Instant Access for vmware problem
Hi, I have netbackup 10.4 to protect vmware workloads. my primary and media server are installed on rhel 8.10 and storage unit is msdp. when I create instant access virtual machine and start job I get this errors: error nbmwc /usr/openv/pdde/vpfs/bin/vpfs_actions failed (1): unable to importostimage. could not import the ost image id. /usr/openv/pdde/vpfs/bin/cata2map failed (38) failed to create an instant access virtual machine (vm). (4004)
my storage is msdp and it's accessible. vcenter credential is ok and backup jobs are ok. in recovery target I changed display name and I checked create a new bios and instance uuid.
vpfs_actions log: error system_utils._wrappedpopen /usr/openv/pdde/vpfs/bin/cata2map failed (38): error vpfs.fs.sharecommands could not import the ost image id /usr/openv/pdde/vpfs/bin/cata2map failed (38):
error system_utils._utils unable to importostimage. could not import the ost image id. /usr/openv/pdde/vpfs/bin/cata2map failed (38)
error system_utils._utils returning: 1
cata2map log: failed to mount loop device /dev/loop0 to /msdp/vol0/meta_dir/.../.../head with fstype xfs, err=38, msg = function not implemented.
failed to mount dev_file /msdp/vol0/meta_bdev_dir/.../.../head to mnt /msdp/vol0/meta_dir/.../.../head, ret=38
failed to mount block device /msdp/vol0/meta_bdev_dir/.../.../head to /msdp/vol0/meta_dir/.../.../head, ret=38, msg = function not implemented
failed to mount block device /msdp/vol0/meta_bdev_dir/.../.../head to /msdp/vol0/meta_dir/.../.../head, ret=38
mapobject::mountvolumes(): failed to mount head volume
my problem was sector size of msdp volume that is 4096
I installed new media server and everything is OK