Inter Site SLP fails but Intra Site SLP succeeds
I have two datacenters, with a clustered master server node, media servers and an SSO connected tape library in each.
I migrated our server infrastructure from older hardware running Windows Server 2008 R2 to newer servers running Windows Server 2012 R2 (Master Server Cluster Nodes) or 2016 (Media Servers), the IP addresses from the old media servers were re-used for the new servers
Since the re-platform, existing SLP duplications between the two datacenters fail.
The required media is loaded into the tape drives in each site, the server hosting the images to be duplicated queues the restore, the target server queues the backup job but the two servers never successfully initiate the communication channel required for the duplication to proceed.
If I create an SLP to duplicate from server 1 to server 2 in the same site, the duplication completes successfully.
The required media is loaded into the tape drives in the site, the server hosting the images to be duplicated queues the restore, the target server queues the backup job, the servers establish communication and the duplication successfully completes.
Can anyone explain the actual processes that initiate SLP duplication, what the process flow is and what to look for when comparing the differences between the successful intra-site and the unsuccessful inter-site duplications?
We were never able to satisfactorily resolve this issue, instead we chose to duplicate within each datacenter and complete all of the outstanding SLPs in that fashion.
Thanks for your advice and assistance, apologies for not replying sooner.