Forum Discussion

The_Director's avatar
15 years ago

Issues using vault to duplicate backups on OST Disk Pool.

Recently we moved our backups to use an OST disk pool off our DataDomains. We had previously just mounted up an NFS export from the DataDomain as a basic disk storage unit and then duplicated our backups with vault to an i2000 library. When we would start a vault job it would split the batch duplications into 6 drives (the number of drive assigned and available for duplications) and everything would be fine. Since moving over the the OST disk pool the batch duplications have been cut to between 1 and 3 jobs even though there are more than enough tapes and drives available to do more. The effect of this is extremely long running duplication jobs that write to one drive. Is there a setting somewhere I have missed or is this a "feature" of OST disk pools.


Logs below of what its doing...

14:07:36.471 [21630] <2> vltrun@DoDuplicate^527: About to Sort Tape Images
14:07:36.471 [21630] <2> vltrun@DoDuplicate^527: About to Sort Disk Images
14:07:36.471 [21630] <2> vltrun@BatchAdvDupTapeImages^527: Adv Dup Batching of tape images
14:07:36.471 [21630] <2> vltrun@BatchAdvDupDiskImages^527: Adv Dup Batching of disk images
14:07:36.472 [21630] <2> vltrun@CategorizeAdvDupDiskImages^527: Logging AdvDiskImageCategories before merging
14:07:36.472 [21630] <2> vltrun@CategorizeAdvDupDiskImages^527: DIC List for MS=*REMOVED*
14:07:36.472 [21630] <2> vltrun@LogDiskImageCategories^527: #DIC=1 #IMGs=9 DCMS=*REMOVED* RL=3 DT=6 8137733616 OnDG?=1 Media=@aaaav
14:07:36.472 [21630] <4> vltrun@MergeCategories^527: Merged these Categories: 0
14:07:36.472 [21630] <4> vltrun@MergeDiskImageCategories^527: Orig #DiskImageCategories=1, #Categories after merging=1
14:07:36.472 [21630] <2> vltrun@CategorizeAdvDupDiskImages^527: Logging AdvDiskImageCategories after merging
14:07:36.472 [21630] <2> vltrun@CategorizeAdvDupDiskImages^527: DIC List for MS=*REMOVED*
14:07:36.472 [21630] <2> vltrun@LogDiskImageCategories^527: #DIC=1 #IMGs=9 DCMS=*REMOVED* RL=3 DT=6 8137733616 OnDG?=1 Media=@aaaav
14:07:36.472 [21630] <2> vltrun@CreateDiskBatches^527: #DIC=1 BTCH_CRIT=2
14:07:36.472 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupBatch::DupBatch (Disk)^527: New Disk Batch. RL=3 DiskSubType=6 MS=*REMOVED* OnDG?=1
14:07:36.472 [21630] <4> vltrun@CreateDiskBatches^527: Will try to add 5 batch(es) to dup faster
14:07:36.472 [21630] <4> vltrun@CreateDiskBatches^527: No batch to add to dup faster. No BasicDisk batch?
14:07:36.472 [21630] <2> vltrun@BatchAdvDupDiskImages^527: #Selected IMGs: 796, #Disk IMGs: 9
14:07:36.472 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupRuleItem::batch_disk_image^527: Found BN=1 (of 1) for IMG=*REMOVED*_1279973222
14:07:36.472 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupBatch::add_disk_image^527: Added Disk Image. BRL=3 BDiskST=6 BSz=87309810 IMG=*REMOVED*_1279973222 IMG_SZ=87309810
14:07:36.472 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupRuleItem::batch_disk_image^527: Found BN=1 (of 1) for IMG=*REMOVED*_1279974031
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupBatch::add_disk_image^527: Added Disk Image. BRL=3 BDiskST=6 BSz=291281241 IMG=*REMOVED*_1279974031 IMG_SZ=203971431
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupRuleItem::batch_disk_image^527: Found BN=1 (of 1) for IMG=*REMOVED*_1279937107
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupBatch::add_disk_image^527: Added Disk Image. BRL=3 BDiskST=6 BSz=735017739 IMG=*REMOVED*_1279937107 IMG_SZ=443736498
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupRuleItem::batch_disk_image^527: Found BN=1 (of 1) for IMG=*REMOVED*_1279965753
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupBatch::add_disk_image^527: Added Disk Image. BRL=3 BDiskST=6 BSz=1275175019 IMG=*REMOVED*_1279965753 IMG_SZ=540157280
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupRuleItem::batch_disk_image^527: Found BN=1 (of 1) for IMG=*REMOVED*_1279944050
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupBatch::add_disk_image^527: Added Disk Image. BRL=3 BDiskST=6 BSz=1909135672 IMG=*REMOVED*_1279944050 IMG_SZ=633960653
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupRuleItem::batch_disk_image^527: Found BN=1 (of 1) for IMG=*REMOVED*_1279936868
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupBatch::add_disk_image^527: Added Disk Image. BRL=3 BDiskST=6 BSz=2614787512 IMG=*REMOVED*_1279936868 IMG_SZ=705651840
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupRuleItem::batch_disk_image^527: Found BN=1 (of 1) for IMG=*REMOVED*_1279944048
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupBatch::add_disk_image^527: Added Disk Image. BRL=3 BDiskST=6 BSz=3360199078 IMG=*REMOVED*_1279944048 IMG_SZ=745411566
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupRuleItem::batch_disk_image^527: Found BN=1 (of 1) for IMG=*REMOVED*_1279779066
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupBatch::add_disk_image^527: Added Disk Image. BRL=3 BDiskST=6 BSz=5269707746 IMG=*REMOVED*_1279779066 IMG_SZ=1909508668
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupRuleItem::batch_disk_image^527: Found BN=1 (of 1) for IMG=*REMOVED*_1279778766
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupBatch::add_disk_image^527: Added Disk Image. BRL=3 BDiskST=6 BSz=8137733616 IMG=*REMOVED*_1279778766 IMG_SZ=2868025870
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@RemoveAllEmptyBatches^527: Removing empty batches (if any)
14:07:36.473 [21630] <4> vltrun@RemoveAllEmptyBatches^527: No empty batches
14:07:36.473 [21630] <2> vltrun@LogDuplicationBatches^527: Logging matched-up batches
14:07:36.473 [21630] <4> vltrun@LogDuplicationBatches^527: DupRule for MS=*REMOVED* #Batches=1
14:07:36.473 [21630] <4> vltrun@LogDuplicationBatches^527: DiskBatchInfo:
14:07:36.473 [21630] <4> vltrun@LogDuplicationBatches^527:   MS=*REMOVED* #IMGs=9 RL=3 DT=6 SZ=8137733616
14:07:36.473 [21630] <4> vltrun@LogDuplicationBatches^527: Logging 0 EXTRA Batch(es)
14:07:36.480 [21630] <4> vltrun@GetAMRPMSetting^527: AMRPM setting read RAW=0 SETTING=0
14:07:36.480 [21630] <8> vltrun@MergeCommonMediaBatches^527: Found no batches to merge
14:07:36.480 [21630] <8> vltrun@MergeCommonMediaBatches^527: Found no batches to merge
14:07:36.481 [21630] <2> vltrun@RunDuplicationBatches^527: Running Dup Batches
14:07:36.481 [21630] <2> vltrun@RunDuplicationBatches^527: Drives:6, Total batches:1, DupRuleItems=1 
14:07:36.481 [21630] <2> vltrun@RunDuplicationBatches^527: Working on duplication rule MS=>*REMOVED*<
14:07:36.481 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupRuleItem::next_batch^527: Active Jobs:0
14:07:36.481 [21630] <2> vltrun@DupRuleItem::next_batch^527: MS=*REMOVED* DT=6 RL=3 Fired?=0
14:07:36.481 [21630] <2> vltrun@DuplicationJob::DuplicationJob^527: Creating DupJob
  • Is there anyone here who is doing vault duplications from an Enterprise Disk - Disk Pool, and is able to use all available drives. If I know this is possible then I can try and figure out what I am missing from perhaps a config file somewhere.

    Thank you in advance.