Forum Discussion

soolean's avatar
Level 4
2 years ago

Key Management Service (KMS)

I think I'm making a simple mistake.

I'm getting this error.

Error bpbrm (pid=14164) from client soolean2: EXIT STATUS 11: system call failed

Error bpbrm (pid=14164) client soolean2 aborted
Info bpfilter (pid=0) done. status: 49: client did not start

For example, when I did this in step 9, it did not return an error on the command line, but should it create a volumepool in Netbackup?

9. Create a key record by using the -createkey option.
Windows: ..\netbackup\bin\admincmd\nbkmsutil -createkey -kgname ENCR_volumepoolname -keyname keyname -activate -desc "description"
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbkmsutil -createkey -kgname ENCR_volumepoolname -keyname keyname -activate -desc "description"

  • soolean's avatar
    2 years ago


    This error was fixed. I removed the Encrypt option on the policy. 

  • Those commands create KMS keys in the KMS database against the volume pools mentioned. You would also need to create the volume pools too, as that command doesn't do that.

  • Hello,

    I recommend you to always check vendor documentation first. I see multiple KMS topics created by you, however all of them could have been answered by reviewing NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.

