Forum Discussion

smith_jones's avatar
10 years ago



I ran a policy containig some  paths in backup selections. Then after sometime I got that I have missed some paths to be added in backup selections of the same policy.The policy was running.

I opened the backup selections of the running policy and deleted the paths that I had specified before because they were already triggered. I added the missed paths and then saved the changes. I once again ran the policy (althogh it was already running but with some other paths defined in backup selections).

Now it is showing me as -


Info nbjm(pid=8520) starting backup job (jobid=1765) for client mailfiler1, policy NDMPBackup_SMESnapshots_mailfiler1, schedule Full 
Info nbjm(pid=8520) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=1765, request id:{CA43BAD8-E0ED-4572-8400-1FD475C73BAE}) 
requesting resource mailfiler1
requesting resource mailbck1.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.mailfiler1
requesting resource mailbck1.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.NDMPBackup_SMESnapshots_mailfiler1
Info nbrb(pid=6112) Limit has been reached for the logical resource mailbck1.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.mailfiler1


Also in the policy attribute the "Limits jobs per policy" option is not checked. I have blank tapes in the pool from where the backup is to be written.


Check the attachment.

How can I fix this?

  • GUI -> HOST Properties -> Master Server -> Select Master Server, right click , properties -> Global Attributes -> Maximum jobs per clients.

    Lift value to e.g 8 or 10.