Forum Discussion

jeorainc's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Linux BMR backup selection

Hi All,

master/media server: NBU7.6.0,3 running in Windows 2012 standard 

I have set up a policy to backup linux BMR.

The linux consist of 2 disks, sda and sdb.

sda1 is the boot partition, sda2 and sdb1 together formed a volume group vg_root.

sda2 contains all rootvg filesystems, and sdb1 contain a lv lv_abc mount point /ABC.

I have setup BMR policy to backup "all_local_drives". I also setup an exclude list to exclude backup /ABC.


Now I am trying to restore the BMR.

I have create a new BMR profile, and unmap the sdb and lv_abc.

But when I tried to restore, it said my configuration is not valid. It can proceed to restore only if I add sdb back.


For Linux BMR, is it possible to restore without the existance of the sdb?

  • Do a Prepare To Restore and  specify "System disks/volumes only" option from the panel. This the easiest ting as it preserves the state of the other disks that BMR can "see".

    This works for any configuration specified for the restore.

    Or:  make a copy of "current" and then do a "Change" of the Volumes section of the configuration. In the layout to be used for restore, unmap the /ABC file system/partition.  Save this and use the newly modified configuration for the restore. To keep the disk from being modified at all, click on the disk and choose to "Restrict" the disk.If you unmap a drive but leave it available, BMR will wipe  it out as part of the process. 



  • 1) Try to unmap and map 'vg_root' to have only sda related volumes. 

    2) As u did earlier, unmap lv_abc as well.

    3) if required mark sdb (disk) as restricted.


    If you still see problem, verbose log of bmrprep & bmrconfig will help more in analysis.





  • Do a Prepare To Restore and  specify "System disks/volumes only" option from the panel. This the easiest ting as it preserves the state of the other disks that BMR can "see".

    This works for any configuration specified for the restore.

    Or:  make a copy of "current" and then do a "Change" of the Volumes section of the configuration. In the layout to be used for restore, unmap the /ABC file system/partition.  Save this and use the newly modified configuration for the restore. To keep the disk from being modified at all, click on the disk and choose to "Restrict" the disk.If you unmap a drive but leave it available, BMR will wipe  it out as part of the process.