Forum Discussion

tifil's avatar
Level 2
10 years ago

List all the clients duplicates.



I am working to improve all of our policys. And, I'm searching if is it possible to create a list of all the backups clients duplicates with the policy name.

For exemple, I want to know if the client A is backup in how many policy ? And wich one. It tells me, the client A is in the policy 1, the policy 2...


Thanks a lot.

  • You could probably try & manipulate/script the output from something like bppllist etc, but the first thing that comes to mind is bpcoverage.


    Or, probably the simplest, the Admin Console GUI. In Policies > "Summary of all Policies" there is a section detailing all clients & the policies they are in.

  • You could probably try & manipulate/script the output from something like bppllist etc, but the first thing that comes to mind is bpcoverage.


    Or, probably the simplest, the Admin Console GUI. In Policies > "Summary of all Policies" there is a section detailing all clients & the policies they are in.

  • try this command, it should return all the policy names for the specific client.

    bppllist -byclient <clientname> -M <master server name>  -l | grep ^CLASS | awk '{print$2}'

    you can keep this in for loop to run it for multiple clients..

  • If you have a list of client names, you could loop through them in a script using this command:


    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bppllist -byclient <client_name> -U 


    <Installpath>\VERITAS\netbackup\bin\admincmd\bppllist -byclient <client_name> -U 

    It is a lot easier to assist if you mention/select the OS on your NBU master server.
    It cannot be Windows 7....

  • Your command doesn't work. I go to the install path, then, it tells me, awk is not recognized as an internal command.


    But, with this command, I must do it with each client, or is it possible to say, create a list with all the duplicates ?

  • This is why it is important to mention the OS. 
    awk is a Unix/Linux command.

    It is not possible to create a list with duplicates - you need to manually go through each client.

    Try the GUI as per Andy's suggestion.

  • Sorry, I'm on windows 7.

    But, with the export of the summary of all policies, then with excel, with a filter, I got all the duplicates.

    Thanks a lot.

  • Such a shame you're not running on *NIX!


    The following will list the policies for clients that are in more than one policy:

    for CLIENT in `bppllist -allpolicies -U | grep HW | awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq -d`
    echo "Client: $CLIENT"
    bppllist -allpolicies -byclient $CLIENT -U | grep "Policy Name"
  • Hope there's an upgrade path in progress.  No longer supported by Microsoft which means application vendors (like Symantec) aren't going to support it either.