Forum Discussion

ilovemywillow's avatar
12 years ago

Liveupdate for Netbackup Windows Client fails with error 77

I have a master server version that is Solaris that is also the live update server. The client is windows 2008 R2 x64. I keep getting this error on this client and can't figure out why. I had two others with the same error but they were resolved when limited disk space was expanded. This server has plenty of space. The error in red below showed up on a different discussion but the resolution doesnt match for me. The paths below in red exist in the default locations. liveupdatehost.hst is in that folder. I can't tell why it can't execute the command. The liveupdate log at C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\LiveUpdate shows no errors. The log at C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\nbliveup shows only the same information about "error executing..." as copied below.


Log file :  Errors in red

14:32:37.410 [2216.11656] <4> nbliveup main: INITIATING nbliveup.exe

14:32:37.410 [2216.11656] <4> nbliveup main: argv[0] = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\nbliveup.exe

14:32:37.410 [2216.11656] <4> nbliveup main: argv[1] = liveupdateServerProtocolOverride

14:32:37.410 [2216.11656] <4> nbliveup main: argv[2] =

14:32:37.426 [2216.11656] <2> makeSocketLinger: setsockopt SO_LINGER on 456 ok

14:32:45.553 [2216.11656] <4> nbliveup copy_and_fork: Started "C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\var\nbliveup.exe" liveupdateServerProtocolOverride -f (pid=11316)

14:32:45.662 [11316.4340] <4> nbliveup main: INITIATING nbliveup.exe

14:32:45.662 [11316.4340] <4> nbliveup main: argv[0] = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\var\nbliveup.exe

14:32:45.662 [11316.4340] <4> nbliveup main: argv[1] = liveupdateServerProtocolOverride

14:32:45.662 [11316.4340] <4> nbliveup main: argv[2] =

14:32:45.662 [11316.4340] <4> nbliveup main: argv[3] = -f

14:32:45.678 [11316.4340] <2> makeSocketLinger: setsockopt SO_LINGER on 456 ok

14:32:52.260 [11316.4340] <4> nbliveup main: Updating LiveUpdate Server location to:

14:32:52.260 [11316.4340] <4> nbliveup main: Started "C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\LU_Registration.exe" -OperationType CreateHostFile -Server (pid=7760)

14:32:52.557 [11316.4340] <4> nbliveup main: pid=7760 is complete. dwRetCode = 1.

14:32:52.557 [11316.4340] <4> nbliveup main: ping thread (8200) started

14:32:52.557 [11316.4340] <4> nbliveup main: Started "C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\LiveUpdate\LUALL.EXE" -s -h "C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\LiveUpdateHost.hst" (pid=1472)

14:32:53.742 [11316.4340] <4> nbliveup main: pid=1472 is complete. dwRetCode = 4.

14:33:22.569 [11316.8200] <4> ping_server: stop_pinging is true, ping thread (8200) exiting after 30 seconds

14:33:22.569 [11316.4340] <16> nbliveup main: Error executing "C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\LiveUpdate\LUALL.EXE" -s -h "C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\LiveUpdateHost.hst", stopping update.

14:33:22.569 [11316.4340] <4> nbliveup read_util: Copying data in file C:\Program Files\Veritas\Patch\History.Log to server.

14:33:22.569 [11316.4340] <4> nbliveup read_util: Copying file C:\ProgramData\Symantec\LiveUpdate\Log.LiveUpdate to C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\Logs\LiveUpdate\101512.log

14:33:22.569 [11316.4340] <4> nbliveup Exit: EXIT STATUS 77



  • The highlighted (bold) lines you show above aren't that actual problem; they are just symptoms of the real issue.  I'm working through similar problems, and Symantec seems determined to make this as difficult as possible for us to fix on our own.

    The log you need to look at is here, in an unexpected directory:


    Open it in WordPad.  Assuming you have run this more than once, you should find the last occurence of "// Start LuComServer".

    Then, search below that for "Progress Update: PRE_CONNECT"; the beginning of the problem is likely in the next few lines.

    In my case, I found "CSendHTTPRequest::SendRequest - Unable to connect to the server."

    And "EVENT - SERVER SELECTION FAILED EVENT - LiveUpdate failed to connect to server myservername at path /liveupdate via a HTTP connection. The server connection attempt failed with a return code of 1814, LiveUpdate could not retrieve the catalog file of available Symantec product and component updates." 

    I verified that I could ping my LiveUpdate server from the client so I thought something was wrong with LiveUpdate since it was reporting that it couldn't connect.  But when I opened a web browser on that same client and tried to connect to the LiveUpdate server using the same "http://....." address I had used in my LiveUpdate policy, I did not see the directory of the LiveUpdate files and instead got  the IIS logo screen, which meant that my client could not connect on port 80.  I then verified with the client's owner that it was, indeed, behind a firewall.


  • The client is now at version and liveupdate should be updating it to  Only 3 of a total of 78 servers failed.    I don't see a difference in the one's that succeeded and the one's that failed. 

  • The highlighted (bold) lines you show above aren't that actual problem; they are just symptoms of the real issue.  I'm working through similar problems, and Symantec seems determined to make this as difficult as possible for us to fix on our own.

    The log you need to look at is here, in an unexpected directory:


    Open it in WordPad.  Assuming you have run this more than once, you should find the last occurence of "// Start LuComServer".

    Then, search below that for "Progress Update: PRE_CONNECT"; the beginning of the problem is likely in the next few lines.

    In my case, I found "CSendHTTPRequest::SendRequest - Unable to connect to the server."

    And "EVENT - SERVER SELECTION FAILED EVENT - LiveUpdate failed to connect to server myservername at path /liveupdate via a HTTP connection. The server connection attempt failed with a return code of 1814, LiveUpdate could not retrieve the catalog file of available Symantec product and component updates." 

    I verified that I could ping my LiveUpdate server from the client so I thought something was wrong with LiveUpdate since it was reporting that it couldn't connect.  But when I opened a web browser on that same client and tried to connect to the LiveUpdate server using the same "http://....." address I had used in my LiveUpdate policy, I did not see the directory of the LiveUpdate files and instead got  the IIS logo screen, which meant that my client could not connect on port 80.  I then verified with the client's owner that it was, indeed, behind a firewall.