Lotus Domino Transaction Logs backup not recycling
Dear Experts
The servers are setup with Transaction logs to be 'Archived' and servers are also having successful backup (although some .nsf files are not getting backed up due to file corruptions).
The question I have is , if the backup is happening successfully (we assume that the .TXN files are getting backed up) then why are the transaction log files (.TXN) not being marked for reuse which should happen after a successful backup.
Since the files are not being marked correctly the domino server is having to create new instances of .TXN and this is causing the drive to fill up. Please advise
Client details
PLATFORM = win_x64
Master server & Media Servers are
If Lotus Notes is like other systems, you need a successfulll backup with status 0 of the main database, for the transaction logs to be recycled/truncated.
I would try to exclude the corrupted nsf files to see if they were the issue.