Forum Discussion

jjimenez2's avatar
Level 5
6 years ago

Lotus notes time out query

Hi Veritas, We have an issue of some job in lotus notes backup have an issue of partially successful. Found that some .nsf file skip to backup because the compaction run during backup. See below: 21:46:48.246 [10180.9528] <16> NBLNtoFINDDATA(): ERR - NSFDbOpenExtended('D:\Notes\data\mail2\rbg\rclaveri.nsf') Failed: 0x2CC:Database is being Compacted; Compact must finish before use. 21:46:50.668 [10180.9528] <16> NBLNtoFINDDATA(): ERR - NSFDbOpenExtended('D:\Notes\data\mail2\rbg\ssaret.nsf') Failed: 0x2CC:Database is being Compacted; Compact must finish before use. Is there any way that netbackup retry to backup those skip backup? Backup timeout can resolve our issue? Server is in production.
  • Marianne's avatar
    6 years ago


    I don't see how BACKUP_TIMEOUT will help. The error and issue in the TN is completely different.

    NBU will never retry skipped files. 
    It will only retry a complete backup job if the backup has failed (status 2 or greater) - based on global retry config on the master. The default is 2 tries per 12 hours (for failed backups). 

    As per Michal_Mikulik1's excellent advice - ensure Notes maintenance and NBU backups are sheduled at different times. 

  • Hello,

    well there is no way for this. You must properly reschedule compactations and NetBackup policy runs so that conflicts wont encounter.



      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6


        I don't see how BACKUP_TIMEOUT will help. The error and issue in the TN is completely different.

        NBU will never retry skipped files. 
        It will only retry a complete backup job if the backup has failed (status 2 or greater) - based on global retry config on the master. The default is 2 tries per 12 hours (for failed backups). 

        As per Michal_Mikulik1's excellent advice - ensure Notes maintenance and NBU backups are sheduled at different times.