LTO6 tape/volume compression size
As per vendor new lto6 storage capacity of 2.5 TB (native) and up to 6.25 TB (compressed). i belive the compression is enabled by default. so we run the backups to that pool and noticed few tapes exceeded 2.5TB ( Attached the screen shot ) which is good but when i run another client backup to same pool/media it failed
stating unable to allocate new media.
Question - We know that no other scratch tapes are available for LTO6 but why can't the new backup job utilize the existing LTO6 media because there is plenty of room in there? any sort of setting required in policy to check the writable/used tapes before checking the scratch tapes ??
I have heard of bug that caused large tape to display incorrect values in the GUI from a fellow Netbackup user, but I do not have T/N to support this.
Basically the variables in the GUI can't hold a value big enough and overflow. May CRZ og MPH999 can confirm this.