Forum Discussion

H_Sharma's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago


Hello Experts,

Pls help me with the below requirement.

Our audit team wants to have a look on each server to ensure whether its a master/media/nbu client.

So is there any file in windows/linux/solaris that shows its a master/media/nbu client?

1:Pls share the path...

2:-If no file pls let us know if we can run any command to check the same on each server to find the details.

  • Possibly your Windows admins will script it, scanning the entire AD OU of computers?

    If so, they should be able to remotely query the registry key HKLM\Software\Veritas\NetBackup\CurrentVersion for key value "Install Type".

    This REG_SZ key value will hold one of:

    NetBackup Master Server

    or NetBackup Media Server

    or NetBackup Administration Console

    or NetBackup Client


  • Hi Marianne you are right.

    The main purpose is for licensing issue.

    They are trying to fetch the keywords from master/media/cliets from any file,directory that would distinguish from master to media or client.

  • Trying to get info from a client/server at OS level is the wrong way to perform licensing audit.

    You need to look at NBU config along with good knowledge of the environment.

    What would you look for on a client to know that this only Standard client (filesystem backup) or Database client? And if there is Server software installed, how would you know by only looking at the machine that is a SAN media server only backing up the SQL db on itself. (Enterprise Client and Db & Application pack license)?

    Above info exits on Master server only.

    Show your auditers this discussion ....

  • For license audit you should take a look at the nbdeploy util as well:

    Symantec NetBackup Traditional and Capacity License Deployment Utility (nbdeployutil)

    Using nbdeployutil


  • Quick attempt at a Windows DOS/batch equivalent:

    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    for /f "tokens=1,2,* skip=1" %%a in ('reg query HKLM\Software\Veritas\NetBackup\CurrentVersion /v "InstallDir"') do (set z_install_dir=%%c)
    set z_admincmd=!z_install_dir!NetBackup\bin\admincmd
    echo       Client                    OS Level           Release
    echo =====================   ========================   =======
    for /f "tokens=1,2,3" %%a in ('"!z_admincmd!\bpplclients.exe" -allunique -noheader') do (
      set z_client_name=%%c
      set z_client_os=
      set z_client_protocol=
      set z_client_patch=
      for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6" %%a in ('"!z_admincmd!\bpgetconfig.exe" -s !z_client_name! -L -A') do (
        if "%%a %%b %%c"=="Patch Level ="              set z_client_patch=%%d
        if "%%a %%b %%c"=="Client OS/Release ="        set z_client_os=%%d
        if "%%a %%c %%c"=="NetBackup Client Protocol"  set z_client_protocol=%%f
      set z_client_version=!z_client_patch!
      if "!z_client_version!"==""  set z_client_version=!z_client_protocol!
      set z_display_name=!z_client_name!                      *
      set z_display_os=!z_client_os!                          *
      echo !z_display_name:~0,21!   !z_display_os:~0,24!   !z_client_version!
    exit /b

    Windows is not as advanced as Unix.   :p      (Did I really say that?  I didn't mean it!   But, sometimes I do!)

  • For reference, just re-posting here a copy of the script originally provided by Mark Donaldson in veritas-bu mailing list some time ago:

    echo "      Client         \t         OS Level        \t Release"
    echo "=====================\t ========================\t ======="
    for c in `bpplclients -allunique -noheader | awk '{print $3}'`
      bpgetconfig -s $c -L -A | \
        awk -F'=' '{if($1~/Client.OS/){os=$2}
                    if($1~/Patch/)   {p=$2}
                    END { if(p~/^ *$/){r=v}else{r=p}
                          printf("%-22s\t%-25s\t%s\n","'$c'",os,r)} '
  • I've just posted a more comprehensive script here:

    ...which hasn't been released for general viewing yet - but hopefully will be available in a day or two.
