Max Jobs - which limit is being Reached and Breached
Multiple datastreams are enabled
Limit Jobs Per policy is set to 3
3 local drives are being backup up
so one parent job and three child jobs
However only one of the child jobs runs at once. When one of the other jobs for another drive tries to begin, It gives the error Limit has been reached for BackupServer.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.servertobebackedup.
Is this limit a limit fo the backup server - or the server being backed up? My guess is this is a limit on this client - which has 3 different policies.
However this policy with 3 "children" seems to count the parent job as one, and one of the child jobs as one?
So anything this is listed in the activity monitor as "Active" counts towards the Client Max Jobs - which is set globally to 2 ? how is that ever enough when using multiple data streams?
I have some bpstart/end scritps that rely on logic that only works when more than one job is running at once.
Any help would be greatly appreciated !