Media Open Error 83
I'm trying to backup files MSDP Storage Unit.
Backups doesn`t work sucessfully. I`m having issues with this.
Master Server: Windows 2008 R2 64
26/11/2015 01:08:06 - requesting resource dedup.stu.nbudedup06
26/11/2015 01:08:06 - requesting resource rf0020500095562 NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.EV-DOMINO01
26/11/2015 01:08:06 - requesting resource rf0020500095562 NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.EV-FS-INDEX
26/11/2015 01:08:06 - granted resource rf0020500095562 NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.EV-DOMINO01
26/11/2015 01:08:06 - granted resource rf0020500095562 NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.EV-FS-INDEX
26/11/2015 01:08:06 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaaC;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=DedupPool06;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=rf0020500095523;MediaServer=rf0020500095523
26/11/2015 01:08:06 - granted resource dedup.stu.nbudedup06
26/11/2015 01:08:06 - estimated 15798499 Kbytes needed
26/11/2015 01:08:06 - Info nbjm(pid=23160) started backup (backupid=EV-DOMINO01.rfoc.srf_1448593686) job for client EV-DOMINO01, policy EV-FS-INDEX, schedule Incremental on storage unit dedup.stu.nbudedup06
26/11/2015 01:08:11 - started process bpbrm (5208)
26/11/2015 01:08:20 - Info bpbrm(pid=5208) EV-DOMINO01 is the host to backup data from
26/11/2015 01:08:20 - Info bpbrm(pid=5208) reading file list for client
26/11/2015 01:08:24 - Info bpbrm(pid=5208) accelerator enabled
26/11/2015 01:08:26 - connecting
26/11/2015 01:08:27 - Error bpbrm(pid=5208) failed to get available backup ids from storage server(rf0020500095523), host(rf0020500095523)
26/11/2015 01:08:27 - Info bpbrm(pid=5208) There is no complete backup image match with track journal, a regular full backup will be performed.
26/11/2015 01:08:30 - connected; connect time: 0:00:04
26/11/2015 01:08:31 - Info bpbrm(pid=5208) starting bpbkar32 on client
26/11/2015 01:08:33 - Info bpbkar32(pid=54952) Backup started
26/11/2015 01:08:34 - Info bptm(pid=672) start
26/11/2015 01:08:34 - Info bptm(pid=672) using 262144 data buffer size
26/11/2015 01:08:34 - Info bptm(pid=672) setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes
26/11/2015 01:08:34 - Info bptm(pid=672) using 30 data buffers
26/11/2015 01:08:36 - Critical bptm(pid=672) Storage Server Error: (Storage server: PureDisk:rf0020500095523) PdvfsRead: Failed to read from spoold (No such file or directory). Ensure storage server services are running and operational. V-454-19
26/11/2015 01:08:37 - Critical bptm(pid=672) sts_open_server failed: error 2060018 file not found
26/11/2015 01:08:37 - Critical bptm(pid=672) failure to open sts for storage server rf0020500095523: plug-in reports error 2060018 file not found
26/11/2015 01:08:37 - Info bptm(pid=672) EXITING with status 83 <----------
26/11/2015 01:08:44 - Info bpbkar32(pid=54952) done. status: 83: media open error
26/11/2015 01:08:44 - end writing
media open error (83)
Any assistance would be very much appreciated.
One time I faced same issue and that resolved by restarting NBU and Deduplication services on Media server holding MSDP.