Forum Discussion

NBU35's avatar
Level 6
14 years ago

media server is not able to connect to the bpcd port of client


Master server--->  NBU 6.5.6 , OS - Sun Solaris 10

Media server----> NBU, OS Sun Solaris 10

client --->

Operating System Windows 2000 SP 4.0

 and NBU 6.5.3

we are able to telnet the bpcd port of client from master server and connectivity is fine with master server . but we are not able to telnet the BPCD port of clinet from media server. connectivity is not fine in client and media server.

telnet bpcd
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out 

entries of media server are present in client's host file and backup restore panle entry and clients's entries are present in host file of media server.

please suggest.

  • Firewall between media server and client?

    Create bpcd log directory on client (under ...\netbackup\logs)

    Run the following test from the media server:

    bptestbpcd -client <client-name> -verbose


    Please post output of command as well as bpcd log on client.

  • Hi,


    Can you telnet from the client to bpcd locally?


    telnet localhost bpcd


    Is the NetBackup client service started?


    is bpcd listening?


    netstat -a | findstr bpcd


  • Firewall between media server and client?

    Create bpcd log directory on client (under ...\netbackup\logs)

    Run the following test from the media server:

    bptestbpcd -client <client-name> -verbose


    Please post output of command as well as bpcd log on client.

  • Hi

    this issue got resolved .. yes there was firewall netween the media server and client. so we used diffrent ip of client to connect to media server, which has resolved the issue. Thanx all for your help.