Medium changer not getting detected.
Hi All,
Need help. I am configuring two new media servers, the tape library is scalar i6000 with HP LTO5 tape drives.
I have done the zoning of the tape drives with the media servers and also installed the HP drivers.From the device manager, I am able to see the tape drives but not the medium changer. Can anyone to understand what I missed out?
OK, thx - so it works via a control path, and you see the drive that is marked as the control path so that makes it sound like some issue on the library.
I would suggest loading up the HBA utility (hbanywhere/ sansurfer depending on HBA brand) and using that to see what can be seen 'down the fibre channel'.
If it's not seen, then we know it's not being presented from the library correctly.
The HBA utility works at the scsi layer, so kinda below the OS. I'm not sure if there is a windows coand to do the same thing.
Scalar i2k/i6k has an internal zoning tool. You have to go in there and assign the robot control to the drive or IO blade you want it to be seen under.
Then when you're on your host you will see the drive come up as <wwn>:Lun0 and the robot as <wwn>:Lun1; if you're using IO blades you will have up to 5 luns (depending on how many drives you have on that blade, I think 4 is max) and one of them will be the bot.
Hope that helps.