Forum Discussion

Carl_Ayres's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Migrating Master Server to new hardware

I need to migrate my Master server from Windows server 2003 x86, running Netbackup 7.5 to Windows Server 2008 R2 running Netbackup 7.6

I have found the following documents:

I would say that I am fairly happy with migrating our 2003 x86 master server (EMM) to a 2008 R2 x64 O/S, however the thing that’s concerning me is that my image DB is on a different drive partition to the NB installation drive, which was completed by using the ALTPATH method listed In the link above.

I believe that I need my Image DB to be on the same drive as the NB installation prior to backing up my catalog in readiness for the move, so I have an idea on how to get around this which is a bit of a bodge. Would anyone have best practise suggestions on how to accomplish this?

Any help with documents for this migration would be appreciated.


  • AH - with you now!

    Yes that sounds fine - you probably dont need to go into safe mode just shutdown NetBackup and Symantec Private Branch Exchange (unless you have other apps also installed to the D drive?) then check no nb / bp processes are left running.

    Make sure when you do the copy that you either use a program to do it or that you have explorer showing hidden and O/S files (though if you just copy "Program Files" you will probably be OK anyway.

    Once done rename the old Program Files to make sure you know it really is working from the new copy and have it there just in case you need to go back!

    But as it stands it should be fine doing it that way.

  • Carl

    Having the altpath in place will not be an issue as when you do a catalog backup it follows the alt paths

    Just make sure you build you new server exactly the same so that you have the image locations available on both drives exactly the same as the original

    The catalog recovery will put all of the alpath information and files back exactly where they were originally

    If you then want to move them all back to one drive you can do so later.

    How ever your original system is when you do the catalog backup is how your new server will be after a catalog recovery - if you dont want it that way then you need to make the changes on your current Master before doing that final catalog backup ready for the move

    Hope this helps

  • Thanks for repyling Mark. The problem is that the new Master server will not have the same drive partitions as the existing Master server, so I will need to do as you suggest and make the changes on my exisiting master before i make my final catalog backup.

    e.g boot to safe mode, change drive letters as required, copy image DB back to its origional location.

    Would I need to change ALTPATH back after doing this?


  • If you are only using ALPATH then you can just shutdown NetBackup, copy all the files back to their original locations and remove the altpath files then fire NBU back up.

    Or are you saying you have done more than that?

    Not sure why you are thinking of safe mode etc?

  • I don't have the storage capicity to move the files back. Here's my thoughts. The master server is configured thusly:

    C:\ boot

    D:\ NB installation - 29GB free space

    G:\Image DB - 90GB in size with 1TB free disk space


    by booting to safe mode and renaming the D:\ to G:\, and the G:\ to D:\ the disk configuration will be:



    D:\Image DB - 90GB in size with 1TB free disk space

    G:\NB installation - 29GB free space


    I can then copy the NB Installation to the D:\, remove ALTPATH, then restart.

    Does that sound reasonable? I am open to simpler suggestions. Thanks again for replying.

  • AH - with you now!

    Yes that sounds fine - you probably dont need to go into safe mode just shutdown NetBackup and Symantec Private Branch Exchange (unless you have other apps also installed to the D drive?) then check no nb / bp processes are left running.

    Make sure when you do the copy that you either use a program to do it or that you have explorer showing hidden and O/S files (though if you just copy "Program Files" you will probably be OK anyway.

    Once done rename the old Program Files to make sure you know it really is working from the new copy and have it there just in case you need to go back!

    But as it stands it should be fine doing it that way.