Forum Discussion

C_Moisan's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Moving data from LTO-2 to LTO-4

Could anyone tell me if there's a simple way to move lots of data from LTO-2 to LTO-4 easily? We are getting rid of LTO-2s and I would like to transfer everything to LTO-4 or even LTO-5. I have about 500 LTO-2 tapes so doing this manually one by one would be a PITA...


  • Two choices, bupilcate all the images, or duplicate all the tapes - all tapes is probably easier. A list of tapes containing images can be found from : bpmedialist You can then run a loop and feed the tape list into bpduplicate command Eg. cat media_list |while read TAPE do bpduplicate -id $TAPE -dstunit -dp done where 'media_list' is a file containing a list of the media ids. Martin
  • Hmm, interesting, I can't disagree with what you have showed.

    However, I wonder if it were able to actually start the copies, would it then drop the images that start on different media - that is, does it make a chack a bit 'later on' that we didn't see on this test.

    Just an idea ...

    I'll have a play at some point.

    No matter, looks like the better way may be to duplicate the OP tapes by image, at least we can be 100% sure that each will only be duplicated once.


  • I just tried running the duplicate of LT0002, which should  not have done anything, since no images start on that media (given earlier assumptions).  It reserved all the media listed, and was in the process of mounting a media other that the one specified on the command line.

    I'll consider this definitive.....

