Forum Discussion

Nelson_Thomas's avatar
12 years ago

MS-Exchange-Server policy restore error(2810)

Hello experts


#Windows 2008 R2 SP1
#NBU Master and Media server
#Clients NBU
#Exchange 2010 SP1 with CAS Array and DAG

The problem is only when i restore an image that is duplicated from a tape to disk storage unit. (the GRT backup was taken to disk and duplicated to tape)
I confirmed the restore is running from the disk image..

I am able to browse the mailbox and see the email items..
when i run bpimagelist -backupid <image_id> -L the IMAGE_ ATTRIBUTE is 8.. is this ok?

All other GRT restore are working perfectly.. what could be the issue?

tnx in advance.

  • More info please?

    As a start - all text in Details tab of failed job as well as the 'View Status' tab  in BAR GUI.

    This is a generic restore error meaning that the error in itself does not indicate the cause:

    NetBackup status code: 2810
    Message: MS-Exchange policy restore error
    Explanation: An error caused the restore of the Exchange data to fail.
    (How helpful is that! LOL!) 
    Status Code Ref Guide lists a lot of possible troubleshooting steps:
    Recommended Action: Try the following possible solutions in the order presented:
    ■ Ensure that the client server list contains entries for the master server and any media servers that can be used during a backup or restore.
    ■ Examine the status or the progress log on the client for messages on why the restore failed. Also, check the All Log Entries report on the server.
    ■ Check ownership and permission of the Exchange instance that you restore and the directories where files are restored.
    ■ Verify the following log files depending on the type of restore being performed.
    All the log folders are located in the install_path\NetBackup\logs folder.
    ■ beds - All restore operations.
    ■ tar - All restore operations.
    Restores with Granular Recovery Technology (GRT):
    ■ nbfsd - This log appears on the client and the media server.
    ■ ncf - This log uses unified logging and appears on the destination client or proxy client.
    ■ ncflbc - This log is for nblbc.exe. It appears on the destination client or proxy client.
    ■ ncfgre - This log is for nbgre.exe. It appears on the destination client or proxy client.
    Instant Recovery and Instant Recovery off-host:
    ■ bpbkar - For off-host Instant Recovery restores, bpbkar logs on the alternate client.
    ■ bpfis - This log applies to Instant Recovery rollback restores. For off-host
    Instant Recovery backups, bpfis logs exist on both the primary and the alternate clients.
    ■ bppfi - For off-host Instant Recovery restores, bppfi logs on both the primary and the alternate clients.
    ■ Check the Exchange Server event viewer for Application and System messages related to the restore operation.
    ■ Connect to the server where Exchange is running and launch the restore from that server using the Backup, Archive, and Restore GUI.
    ■ Verify that you launched the restore correctly.
    See the NetBackup for Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator’s Guide.
    ■ Correct the problems that you find and retry the restore.


  • Detailed Status;

    10/10/2013 10:45:29 AM - begin Restore
    10/10/2013 10:45:31 AM - restoring image XXXdag_1365093204
    10/10/2013 10:45:31 AM - requesting resource @aaaa9
    10/10/2013 10:45:31 AM - granted resource MediaID=@aaaa9;DiskVolume=NetBackup;DiskPool=XXX-Dell01;Path=NetBackup;StorageServer=XXX-BKP01;MediaServer=XXX-bkp21
    10/10/2013 10:45:32 AM - Info bprd(pid=5484) Restoring from copy 3 of image created 04/04/13 19:33:24    
    10/10/2013 10:45:37 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=7636) XXX-CH1.XX.XXX.NET is the host to restore to      
    10/10/2013 10:45:37 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=7636) reading file list from client        
    10/10/2013 10:45:38 AM - connecting
    10/10/2013 10:45:42 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=7636) start nbfsd on client         
    10/10/2013 10:45:43 AM - Info bpbrm(pid=7636) start nbgre on client         
    10/10/2013 10:45:47 AM - Info tar32(pid=0) Restore started           
    10/10/2013 10:45:47 AM - connected; connect time: 00:00:09
    10/10/2013 10:46:28 AM - Info tar32(pid=0) done. status 0          
    10/10/2013 10:46:28 AM - restored image XXXdag_1365093204 - (the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)); restore time 00:00:57
    10/10/2013 10:46:28 AM - Info tar32(pid=0) done. status: 5          
    10/10/2013 10:46:28 AM - Info tar32(pid=0) done. status: 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files  
    10/10/2013 10:46:28 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=7636) client restore EXIT STATUS 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
    10/10/2013 10:46:29 AM - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:01:00
    MS-Exchange-Server policy restore error(2810)


    View Status ;

    10:43:51 10/10/2013: Restore Started

    10:45:32 (265366.001) Restoring from copy 3 of image created 4/4/2013 7:33:24 PM
    10:46:28 (265366.001) TAR - \\XXXdag\Microsoft Information Store\XXX-General\Database
    10:46:28 (265366.001) MNR - The file was renamed to the following:
    10:46:28 (265366.001) UTF - \\\Microsoft Information Store\XXX-General\Database
    10:46:28 (265366.001) UTF - Unable to locate for restore: Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups\\Microsoft Information Store\XXX-General\Database\Display Name [Alias]\Top of Information Store\Sent Items\ Email Subject <000000002631da2e2730bb459b9b2c0d4754755d0700af5bc0bd27ba664f868df35632f7801f00d791213ec600003a3eafcf178c34499823d8be0032b3d10014922588d30000>
    10:46:28 (265366.001) UTF - Unable to locate for restore: Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups\\Microsoft Information Store\XXX-General\Database\Display Name [Alias]\Top of Information Store\Sent Items\ Email Subject <000000002631da2e2730bb459b9b2c0d4754755d0700af5bc0bd27ba664f868df35632f7801f00d791213ec600003a3eafcf178c34499823d8be0032b3d100149225b3cc0000>
    10:46:28 (265366.001) (265366.001) INF - GRE EXITING WITH STATUS = 0
    10:46:28 (265366.001) Status of restore from copy 3 of image created 4/4/2013 7:33:24 PM = the restore failed to recover the requested files

    10:46:29 (265366.001) (265366.001) INF - GRE RESTORED 1 OF 3 FILES SUCCESSFULLY
    10:46:29 (265366.001) (265366.001) INF - GRE KEPT 0 EXISTING FILES
    10:46:29 (265366.001) (265366.001) INF - GRE PARTIALLY RESTORED 0 FILES

    10:46:29 INF - Server status = 2810
    10:46:29 ( INF - Status = MS-Exchange-Server policy restore error.

    10:46:29 INF - Server status = 5
    10:46:29 ( INF - Status = the restore failed to recover the requested files.


    I am checking the other Recommended Actions..


  • This seems to be the issue:

     Unable to locate for restore: Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups\\Microsoft Information Store\XXX-General\Database\Display Name [Alias]\Top of Information Store\Sent Items\ Email Subject 


    Have you confirmed that the destination mailbox exist?

  • Yes, the mailbox exist and i had successfuly tested other GRT backups to this mailbox.

    Marianne, the job fails only on duplicated image (duplicated from tape to disk) restore.

  • Almost as if the data to be restored cannot be found on the Disk Storage?

    Probably time to log a Support call.

  • thanks for the inputs Marianne.. I have a case open for this issue.. we are working on it..

    Meanwhile.. Is there a way to check the image file whether its ready for GRT restore? Is IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE related to this information?

  • Finally we restored the emails! 1. we copied the image file, .lck, .f and .nblbc files to another location. 2. Expired the backup image from Catalog. 3. copied back the image file to disk unit and Imported it. (phase 1 and 2) First few retires failed with rai 6 error, and later it worked!! Thanks and credits to Mark Cover, Principal Netbackup Support Engineer.