Forum Discussion

DaniR's avatar
Level 2
13 years ago

NBCC Utility

Good morning,

I have used NBCC utility to check my catalog and I have found "Inconsistency Error Oper_8_2" at the end of nbcc-info.txt file.

Version of Netbackup and NBCC are 6.5.5

What this error means? I can't find information about this utility.

Could someone help me to get a comprehensible meaning?

Thank you very much,


  • With NBCC you need to log a call with Symantec, and send in the NBCC output you have created.

    Support will run NBCCA tool against this outupt which provides a detailed analysis of the issues.

     "Inconsistency Error Oper_8_2" alone will not tell youenough details to make any fixes.

    You won't fiond information on these codes (or probably not) as the TNs containg the details are 'usually' internal only.

    Oper_8_2 - Occurs during the checking of the Image DB.  This inconsistency code indicates that the media ID is in a  Volume DB and is not imported, is in at least one Media DB and has an image fragment allocation time that is earlier than the Volume DB assign time.  This could indicate a possible overwrite of the images.

    On any tape, the earliest date is the assign time, nothing can happen until a tape is assigned.  therefore, if you have a tape that is assigned at 15.00 28th Jusy, it should not contain an image fragment that has an earlier assign time, unless something has gone wrong.

    I cannot even think, how you could get this state ... hmm, one way would be if the media DB entry was recreated manually with the 'wrong' assign time - in which case there is 'probabl;y' no harm done, it just looks wrong and flags up in NBCC.  This could happen I guess if  a previuos repair was made .

    Another way ... perhaps the tape was written by another media server ... this sholdn't happen, as even if you have media sharing the assign time should be correct.  IF this had happened, I'd expect to see NBCC throwing out other errors also.

    Only way you can progress this is to log a call.  Suppot can go through the details NBCC gathers, to 1. confirm that NBCC is correct, 2 work out what has happened (not always possible), 3. Fix it ...









  • With NBCC you need to log a call with Symantec, and send in the NBCC output you have created.

    Support will run NBCCA tool against this outupt which provides a detailed analysis of the issues.

     "Inconsistency Error Oper_8_2" alone will not tell youenough details to make any fixes.

    You won't fiond information on these codes (or probably not) as the TNs containg the details are 'usually' internal only.

    Oper_8_2 - Occurs during the checking of the Image DB.  This inconsistency code indicates that the media ID is in a  Volume DB and is not imported, is in at least one Media DB and has an image fragment allocation time that is earlier than the Volume DB assign time.  This could indicate a possible overwrite of the images.

    On any tape, the earliest date is the assign time, nothing can happen until a tape is assigned.  therefore, if you have a tape that is assigned at 15.00 28th Jusy, it should not contain an image fragment that has an earlier assign time, unless something has gone wrong.

    I cannot even think, how you could get this state ... hmm, one way would be if the media DB entry was recreated manually with the 'wrong' assign time - in which case there is 'probabl;y' no harm done, it just looks wrong and flags up in NBCC.  This could happen I guess if  a previuos repair was made .

    Another way ... perhaps the tape was written by another media server ... this sholdn't happen, as even if you have media sharing the assign time should be correct.  IF this had happened, I'd expect to see NBCC throwing out other errors also.

    Only way you can progress this is to log a call.  Suppot can go through the details NBCC gathers, to 1. confirm that NBCC is correct, 2 work out what has happened (not always possible), 3. Fix it ...









  • Thank you for your quick answer.

    Now I have this error, because I executed twice. First time I had error Oper_16_4, but not now. I don't have jobs running while this utility is executed, but it's strange that gives these inconsisteny errors.

    I will call Symantec for answers about this.

    Thanks a lot.



  • 16_4 we usually can ignore ....

    The usually caused by the fact backups are running ...   As you found out, when you re-ran it disappeared.


  • When you are happy, please mark a post that helped you the most as the solution ...

    Many thanks,
