Forum Discussion

yong_look's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

NBU - tape freeze timestamp


i am using NBU 7.0 and wonder is there any log that record the timestamp when a tape has been frozen? i'd look through all the logs under Tape reports under reports section but could not find any information on when was the particular tape been frozen


kidnly advise


  • My guess is that it will be the last mount time.

    Look at 'nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid <media-id>' output.

  • You could look in the bptm log (/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bptm or <Install_dir>\VERITAS\NetBackup\logs\bptm) and the Admin messages or syslog from the OS (for Windows - Windows Event Viewer System Log and Application Log )

  • You can check error logs as i had similar query in past and I found the message in the error log (logging level 0). Following is the workaround.

    # pwd

    # cat log_* | grep -i freezing
    1239475677 1 132 16 server_xyz 2835460 2835450 0 client_abc bptm FREEZING media id L21234, it is write protected and cannot be used for backups

    where server_xyz = master server and client_abc = client.

    It gives you the timestamp of when the tape was frozen, as well as cause.

    # bpdbm -ctime 1239475677
    1239475677 = Sat Apr 11 11:47:57 2009

  • hi all, sorry for the late reply.

    yes, nbemmcmd -listmedia works perfectly. also, i am looking for a way to get the history log for the tapes as we wanted to track down if a media mentioned been frozen before, and when was it been frozen and un-freeze


    thanks and regards


  • The information should be available in the NBU error log (Tape logs report), but NBU keeps this information by default for 28 days.

    So, you may want to run Tape Logs report on a regular basis - filter out Info messages so that you have Warning and Error messages only.

  • I also faced same difficuly in noting down the Frozen Tape , but eventually u have to run the report every month to have a count and the Media ID report for the frozen tapes. 


  • You show in your signature as using Windows - that being the case just look at you Windows application logs, they are probably kept longer than the Netbackup logs and will show when there are tape issues along with the reason - find the event id number you are looking for, sort by event id and you have a history of the problems

    Hope this helps

    #edit# That being the event log on the media server that froze the tape