Forum Discussion

smakovits's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

NBU BMR Failing

Been dealing with this issue about a week now.  We are in the process of trying to move some servers to boot off SAN and for this we want to just use BMR to move the system to new hardware. 

I am doing the same thing I have always done in the past in preparing the BMR restore.  Adding what should be the new drivers and such.  However, when it comes time to actually execute the BMR restore, things simply keep failing.  I have even tried to do the restore to the local disk of the server and that too seems to yield the same failure.

"The restore has stopped due to the following error: <?>

So, local disk, SAN disk, both with the same results.  Below is the latest from the BMRRST log.  The only other thing to note is that the server being restored is a 2003 server, 32bit, non-uefi on HP hardware.  It is being restored to an IBM HS22 with UEFI.  I know I read UEFI to non-UEFI is not possible, so my only thought is that the same applies here as well.


1 DEBUG WinPeIpSetup.cpp:configureTcpIpParameters()
        Re-enabled remote logging as the network has been set, clientName=Barney, line=229
4 DEBUG CWinPeRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Set Network Interface Parameters
4 DEBUG CWinPeRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Set Routes
4 DEBUG CWinPeRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Discover Hardware
4 DEBUG CDiskFacadeBuilder.cpp:isLdmActive() Could not determine state of Windows Logical Disk Manager--rc(2).
4 DEBUG CDiskFacadeBuilder.cpp:isSfwActive() Could not determine state of Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows, assuming NOT active, rc=2
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:IsDynamic() GetPack failed, ret=-2147212265
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Device Type=7
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Media Type=12
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Disk Name=\Device\Harddisk1
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:IsDynamic() GetPack failed, ret=-2147212265
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Device Type=7
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Media Type=12
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Disk Name=\Device\Harddisk2
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Device Type=7
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Media Type=12
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Disk Name=\Device\Harddisk0
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Device Type=51
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Disk Name=\Device\CdRom0
2 DEBUG volmisc.cpp:OpenDiskFile() Malformed disk device path \Device\CdRom0.
2 DEBUG volmisc.cpp:getPartitionDatabase() Could not open disk \Device\CdRom0 to get layout.
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(diskId) PartitionStyle = 1line=5587
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:GetpartitionStyle(vds_disk_extent) PartitionStyle = 1line=5547
4 DEBUG bmrSystem.cpp:BmrRunCommand with Callbackfunction Failed, creating process. gle=2
2 DIAG CSaveCfgFile.cpp:execute() Could not run command (powermt display dev=all) in .\CSaveCfgFile.cpp at 137--rc(1),exitCode(2).
4 DEBUG mergeconfigs.cpp:LocalMatchDisks() SCSI match, disk id=49041 to 6
4 DEBUG mergeconfigs.cpp:LocalMatchDisks() SCSI match, disk id=49039 to 4
4 DEBUG mergeconfigs.cpp:LocalMatchDisks() SCSI match, disk id=49040 to 5
4 DEBUG mergeconfigs.cpp:LocalMatchDisks() SCSI match, disk id=49042 to 7
4 DEBUG ddr_detect.cpp:IsDissimilarDiskRestore() Not DDR.
4 DEBUG CWinPeRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Configure NetBackup
1 DEBUG regdbutils.cpp:DumpBmrValuesToRegistry() Value SOFTWARE\VERITAS\NetBackup\BEDS\Engine\NTFS\FilesToMoveOnRestore\FilesToProcess is not written because of a size mismatch.
3 DEBUG CWindowsRestoreStrategy.cpp:setupVssService() Exiting, VxSS Authentication is not installed. vssat.exe and/or vss.rsp did not exist.
4 DEBUG CWinPeRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Start NetBackup Service
4 DEBUG CWinPeRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Verify Backup
4 DEBUG CWinPeRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Pre-Format External Procedure
4 DEBUG CWinPeRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Configure Disks
1 DIAG regutils.cpp:GetRegistryString2() Could not get data from the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VERITAS\BareMetal\DiskStepDescription, return code = 2
2 DEBUG CWindowsDiskRestoreStrategy.cpp:readSavedStep() Could not read the current step value, rc=2
4 DEBUG CDiskFacadeBuilder.cpp:isLdmActive() Could not determine state of Windows Logical Disk Manager--rc(2).
4 DEBUG CDiskFacadeBuilder.cpp:isSfwActive() Could not determine state of Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows, assuming NOT active, rc=2
4 DEBUG CWinPeDiskRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Merge Configurations
4 DEBUG mergeconfigs.cpp:MergeConfigs() Making system-only modifications to config.
4 DEBUG mergeconfigs.cpp:RemoveNonSystem() Removing disk, id=49040
4 DEBUG mergeconfigs.cpp:RemoveNonSystem() Removing disk, id=49042
4 DEBUG mergeconfigs.cpp:LocalMatchDisks() SCSI match, disk id=49041 to 6
4 DEBUG mergeconfigs.cpp:LocalMatchDisks() SCSI match, disk id=49039 to 4
4 DEBUG CWinPeDiskRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Save Vendor Partition
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:IsDynamic() GetPack failed, ret=-2147212265
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Device Type=7
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Media Type=12
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Disk Name=\Device\Harddisk1
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:IsDynamic() GetPack failed, ret=-2147212265
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Device Type=7
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Media Type=12
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Disk Name=\Device\Harddisk2
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Device Type=7
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Media Type=12
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Disk Name=\Device\Harddisk0
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Device Type=51
4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Disk Name=\Device\CdRom0
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:getPack() Failed to get disk pack for disk ID: e4f76321-2e46-409e-b061-1f09264abc5e
2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() Could not find disk pack for disk \Device\Harddisk1
2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() \Device\Harddisk1is unallocated.
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:getPack() Failed to get disk pack for disk ID: bdd75e60-e02e-485f-bf40-34d3918bb506
2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() Could not find disk pack for disk \Device\Harddisk2
2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() \Device\Harddisk2is unallocated.
4 DEBUG CWinPeDiskRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Create Disk Groups
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:getPack() Failed to get disk pack for disk ID: e4f76321-2e46-409e-b061-1f09264abc5e
2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() Could not find disk pack for disk \Device\Harddisk1
1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:getPack() Failed to get disk pack for disk ID: e4f76321-2e46-409e-b061-1f09264abc5e
2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() Failed to add disk \Device\Harddisk1 into basic disk pack.
2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:clearDisk() Could not import disk.
3 DEBUG CWinPeLdmDiskRestoreWorker.cpp:clearDisk() Could not clear the disk, rc=10004
    Root Cause: <?>
3 DEBUG CWindowsLdmDiskRestoreWorker.cpp:initializeDisk() Could not clear the discovered disk, name=\Device\Harddisk1, rc=1
3 DEBUG CWindowsLdmDiskRestoreWorker.cpp:createDiskGroups() Could not initialize disk, name=\Device\Harddisk1, rc=1
3 DEBUG CWindowsRestoreStrategy.cpp:configureDisks() Disk configuration step failed.


8 Replies

  • Hi smakovits,


    Couple of points:

    1) As of today, bmr doesnt support EFI based client backup to Non-EFI based hardware. Vice versaw also not supported. 

    2) In the above bmrrst log snippet you copied, it seems the problem is not related to EFI. See below log snippet".


    1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:getPack() Failed to get disk pack for disk ID: bdd75e60-e02e-485f-bf40-34d3918bb506
    2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() Could not find disk pack for disk \Device\Harddisk2
    2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() \Device\Harddisk2is unallocated.
    4 DEBUG CWinPeDiskRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Create Disk Groups
    1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:getPack() Failed to get disk pack for disk ID: e4f76321-2e46-409e-b061-1f09264abc5e
    2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() Could not find disk pack for disk \Device\Harddisk1
    1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:getPack() Failed to get disk pack for disk ID: e4f76321-2e46-409e-b061-1f09264abc5e
    2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() Failed to add disk \Device\Harddisk1 into basic disk pack.
    2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:clearDisk() Could not import disk.
    3 DEBUG CWinPeLdmDiskRestoreWorker.cpp:clearDisk() Could not clear the disk, rc=10004
        Root Cause: <?>
    3 DEBUG CWindowsLdmDiskRestoreWorker.cpp:initializeDisk() Could not clear the discovered disk, name=\Device\Harddisk1, rc=1
    3 DEBUG CWindowsLdmDiskRestoreWorker.cpp:createDiskGroups() Could not initialize disk, name=\Device\Harddisk1, rc=1
    3 DEBUG CWindowsRestoreStrategy.cpp:configureDisks() Disk configuration step failed


    3) What is the Shared Resource Tree(SRT) version(i.e., version of NB client installed in SRT) you are using for recovery of client? We have already handled and fixed similar problem in NetBackup You may need to recover the client using Shared Resource Tree having NB Client installed in it.




  • Thats great, but how do I get  Or, is there are EEB available for download in the meantime?


  • As an FYI, since is not available, I went backwards and installed, backed up the server, created a new SRT and things still fail.


    4 DEBUG CWinPeDiskRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Save Vendor Partition
    1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:IsDynamic() GetPack failed, ret=-2147212265
    4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Device Type=7
    4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Media Type=12
    4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Disk Name=\Device\Harddisk0
    4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Device Type=51
    4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Disk Name=\Device\CdRom0
    1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:getPack() Failed to get disk pack for disk ID: 81165581-1d8f-4f1f-87c3-7314096538ab
    2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() Could not find disk pack for disk \Device\Harddisk0
    2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() \Device\Harddisk0is unallocated.
    4 DEBUG CWinPeDiskRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Create Disk Groups
    1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:getPack() Failed to get disk pack for disk ID: 81165581-1d8f-4f1f-87c3-7314096538ab
    2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() Could not find disk pack for disk \Device\Harddisk0
    1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:getPack() Failed to get disk pack for disk ID: 81165581-1d8f-4f1f-87c3-7314096538ab
    2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() Added disk \Device\Harddisk0 into basic disk pack.
    1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade::findVolume Failed to get IUnknown interface for the input volume ID.
    1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade::findVolume Failed to get IUnknown interface for the input volume ID.
    1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:clearDisk() Wait operation failed for async clean.ret=55
    3 DEBUG CWinPeLdmDiskRestoreWorker.cpp:clearDisk() Could not clear the disk, rc=-2147024841
        Root Cause:
    3 DEBUG CWindowsLdmDiskRestoreWorker.cpp:initializeDisk() Could not clear the discovered disk, name=\Device\Harddisk0, rc=1
    3 DEBUG CWindowsLdmDiskRestoreWorker.cpp:createDiskGroups() Could not initialize disk, name=\Device\Harddisk0, rc=1
    3 DEBUG CWindowsRestoreStrategy.cpp:configureDisks() Disk configuration step failed.
    4 DEBUG CWindowsRestoreStrategy.cpp:retry() Retrying disk step: Save Vendor Partition
    4 DEBUG CWinPeDiskRestoreStrategy.cpp:updateStep() Retrying...
    4 DEBUG CWinPeDiskRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Save Vendor Partition
    1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:IsDynamic() GetPack failed, ret=-2147212265
    4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Device Type=7
    4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Media Type=12
    4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Disk Name=\Device\Harddisk0
    4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Device Type=51
    4 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:translateWindowsDisk() Disk Name=\Device\CdRom0
    1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:getPack() Failed to get disk pack for disk ID: 8e25db6e-becf-41c3-b651-0ef940abae8f
    2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() Could not find disk pack for disk \Device\Harddisk0
    2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() \Device\Harddisk0is unallocated.
    4 DEBUG CWinPeDiskRestoreStrategy.cpp:step() Current step=Create Disk Groups
    1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:getPack() Failed to get disk pack for disk ID: 8e25db6e-becf-41c3-b651-0ef940abae8f
    2 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:importDisk() Could not find disk pack for disk \Device\Harddisk0
    1 DEBUG CWindowsVdsFacade.cpp:getPack() Failed to get disk pack for disk ID: 8e25db6e-becf-41c3-b651-0ef940abae8f
    Restoration log termination time: 2014/04/29 14:10:45

  • Hi,

    As Katalmudi mentioned above, this issue has been resolved into NetBackup 7602 patch. If possible you may want to upgrade your netbcackup 7601 version to 7602. Also patch NetBackup client inside BMR SRT to 7602. Even if you patch netbackup client inside SRT to 7602, this issue will get resolved.

    Right now there is no EEB given to this problem.



  • As smakovits mentioned, 7602 is not yet released, so it won't be possible to upgrade per your suggestion. Unless you're inclined to leak it to us, that is. 

  • katlamudi and mandar_khanolkar

    I am all for installing just as long as you get it out of QA.  Suggesting the use of a product that is not publicly available is a horrible suggested fix.

    Please post the FTP link required to download it or send me a fileshare location and I will be more than happy to install as you suggest.


  • Hi smakovits,


    I think there is one EEB available for similar issue. Please contact our support and raise a service request to get it. Else you may need to wait for NB-7602 patch gets released.




  • Katlamudi,


    I have a case open and have asked about the EEB, but they are not aware of one.  I believe the support engineer actually reached out to you the other day.