NBU 8.2 - Agentless Restore - Greyed Out - Help!
We are running NBU 8.2 on 2012 R2 Master and Media servers.
We are attempting to test the agentless restore via the Web UI.
-- We have the "Golden EEB Package" installed on all master and media servers (NB_8.2_ET3998268_3)
-- All vCenters are on 7.6 and all traditional vmware restores work without issue.
-- Matching 8.2 Windows vXupdate package is installed to the system
-- VMs in scope are new and have the latest vmware tools installed
-- We have attempted to test by giving our NBU service account FULL ADMIN permissions to test and it remains greyed out even with all / full admin permission. I have this working in another env that doesn't even have the vXupdate package and it still allows me to move forward (in other words its not greyed out but when we do the pre-check it tells me the package is missing)
-- Is there another specific permission for the NBU service account in vCenter that we need to validate that may not be even in full admin?
-- Is there a verbose log I can turn up to look at when we go to bring up the agentless restore and it becomes greyed out to look at to help pinpoint why its happening?
-- Here you can see is greyed out:
-- Any other ideas / thoughts?
Thanks everyone!!