Forum Discussion

Sandra4Bck's avatar
Level 3
5 days ago

NBU client System requirements

Hello, I want to configure a FS backup in a windows client with a mount point configured. This mount point contains thousand of files and I want to use a client-side-deduplication.

Does someone know where could I check the system requirements (CPU, RAM, disk) to have a good performance in the client? Thanks.

  • Your main issue will not be the CPU, RAM, or disk resources. The main problem will be handling the "thousands of files."

    If the file system is new, try organizing the files into directories and placing them as close to the root of the file system as possible. This structure will help to utilize multiple backup streams and speed up the backup process.

  • client side dedup , does not use that much resources.what is the nature of the mount point? is it a filler or NAS  or it is just a local drive?