NBU media package install on Hyper-v host
Hi Veritas,
Can i install NBU media package on Hyper-V hosts itself and backup to tape. If possible to zone tape drive to Hyper V hosts directly, is that i need to add addition HBA or i can utilize any existing ports of the Hyper-V host, please suggest.
Except DB client do i neeed to install agent on every VM for normal client backup?
SAP has a limitation to install media package on SAP node,only client package is allowed. If we can install Media package on Hyper-V host does it allow to backup the VM whihc has SAP function, SAP VM is installed with client agent.
Yes, you can install NetBackup Media Server on a physical Hyper-V host and have native FC zoned/attached, and/or SAS attached, tape drives visible to the Windows OS which is running on the physical Hyper-V host... but...
...be careful with FC zoning...
...most definitely NEVER mix tape and disk in the same fabric "zones"...
...and it is very strongly recommended also not to mix tape and disk on the same HBA ports - even if they are in different zones...
So, if your Hyper-V physical host only has two HBA ports, *and* you want FC multi-path support to disk *and* FC access to tape - then you can't have both.
If your Hyper-V physical host has two dual port HBAs, i.e. four HBA ports in total, then I would do this:
HBA1 port 0 - cable to switch/fabric A - zone to disk
HBA1 port 1 - cable to switch/fabric B - zone to tape
HBA2 port 0 - cable to switch/fabric A - zone to tape
HBA2 port 1 - cable to switch/fabric B - zone to disk