Forum Discussion

Amaan's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

NBU status: 830, EMM status: No drives are available

Hi All,

Need help ASAP please. we have restore request. backup has been done by server henfp01 (old media server) on August. when we decomissioned server we have followed recommanded steps to do so.

now we have another media server henbackup01 and restore request. we got the tape. tape owner has been changed to henbackup01. but when we are running restore it is failing with error 5, details:

2/8/2012 9:40:02 AM - begin Restore
2/8/2012 9:40:09 AM - 1 images required
2/8/2012 9:40:09 AM - media 216737 required
2/8/2012 9:40:09 AM - media 216729 required
2/8/2012 9:40:13 AM - restoring image HENAPPS01_1314509342
2/8/2012 9:40:20 AM - connecting
2/8/2012 9:40:20 AM - requesting resource 216729
2/8/2012 9:40:21 AM - Error bptm(pid=2752) NBJM returned an extended error status: No drives are available (2001) 
2/8/2012 9:40:21 AM - Error nbjm(pid=4568) NBU status: 830, EMM status: No drives are available   
2/8/2012 9:40:21 AM - Error nbjm(pid=4568) NBU status: 830, EMM status: No drives are available   
2/8/2012 9:40:27 AM - Error bptm(pid=5892) The following files/folders were not restored:      
2/8/2012 9:40:27 AM - Error bptm(pid=5892) UTF - /D/ACAD/SURVEY/EAGLE POINT-MILL/Conveyor June 2005/Conveyor June 2005.bak    
2/8/2012 9:40:29 AM - restored image HENAPPS01_1314509342 - (extended error status has been encountered, check logs(252)); restore time 00:00:16
2/8/2012 9:40:33 AM - connected; connect time: 00:00:13
2/8/2012 9:40:40 AM - Warning bprd(pid=10832) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on INFINITY     
2/8/2012 9:40:41 AM - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:00:39
the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)

Ouput of nbrb log:

2/8/2012 10:24:23.297 [ResBroker_i::evaluateHighPriorityRequests] after high priority resource evaluation: 3 high priority requests remain, 0 just allocated
2/8/2012 10:24:23.297 V-118-226 [ResBroker_i::evaluateOne] Evaluating request ID {42E7D314-F204-4488-AE39-0D1F31F575C1}
2/8/2012 10:24:23.359 V-118-202 [EMMAccess::allocateMedia] request to allocate media (Master Server adcutil30, Client henapps01, Job Type 2, Media ID 216729, Drive Name , Media Server henbackup01, Capabilities 0, Fibre Transport Preference 0, Assigned Time 1314509342) returned 2005001
2/8/2012 10:24:23.359 V-118-146 [ProviderManager::allocate] DriveOperationProvider returned Not Enough Valid Resources for request ID {42E7D314-F204-4488-AE39-0D1F31F575C1}
2/8/2012 10:24:23.359 [ResBroker_i::evaluateOne] resource request fails, requestId={42E7D314-F204-4488-AE39-0D1F31F575C1}, userId=jobid=251708, status=2005001, birthTime=1328721863, timeToFirstEval=0 sec, timeToSuccessOrFailure=0 sec, numberOfTimesEvaluated=1
2/8/2012 10:24:23.359 V-118-108 [ResBroker_i::failOne] failing resource request ID {42E7D314-F204-4488-AE39-0D1F31F575C1}, status 2005001
2/8/2012 10:24:23.359 V-118-137 [EMMProvider::getDriveForWaitingRequest] allocation information for request ID {42E7D314-F204-4488-AE39-0D1F31F575C1} is not found

I saw from above that it is assigning job to new media server (henbackup01). media server is ok with resources:

D:\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>tpconfig.exe -d
Id  DriveName           Type   Residence
      SCSI coordinates/Path                                            Status
0   HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.011 hcart2 TLD(13)  DRIVE=1
      {3,0,5,0}                                                        UP

Currently defined robotics are:
  TLD(13)    SCSI coordinates = {3,0,5,1}
  TLD(14)    robot control host = elpbackup1

EMM Server = adcutil30

D:\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>tpconfig.exe -dl
Currently defined drives and robots are:

        Drive Name              HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.011
        Index                   0
        SCSI coordinates        {3,0,5,0}
        Type                    hcart2
        Status                  UP
        SCSI Protection         SR (Global)
        Shared Access           No
        TLD(13) Definition DRIVE=1
        Serial Number           HU1049DWLM

Currently defined robotics are:
  TLD(13)    SCSI coordinates = {3,0,5,1}
  TLD(14)    robot control host = elpbackup1

EMM Server = adcutil30

I ran backup job and it is successfully completed, so everything is ok with drives. 

Also emm log:

F:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>vxlogview.cmd -p 51216 -o 111 -b "2/8/2012 10:24:22 AM" -e "2/8/2012 10:24:30 AM" -L -E
2/8/2012 10:24:23.375 [Error] V-111-1049 EMMServer generic error = Configuration does not exist, retval = < 2001045 >

I attached bptm log, bpimagelist output.

NBU 7.0.1 for all master, media and client.

OS: master - Windows 2008 R2

media - Windows 2003

Client - windows 2003

  • Thanks for direction Marianne, i changed media type and restore is running now. i didnt notice that media type was different.

    but during restore i got following warning:

    2/8/2012 11:24:12 AM - Warning bptm(pid=2208) media id 216729 not found in Media Manager, mount request will most likely occur

    What does this means?

    Thanks again!

  • Please post output of:

    nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid 216737

    Media server:
    D:\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>  vmoprcmd -d

  • Thanks for quick reply:

    Here are what you asked:

    F:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbemmcmd.exe -listmedia -mediaid 216729
    NBEMMCMD, Version:7.0.1
    Media GUID:                     a1cb9ba9-410a-4b15-9a8d-c38bdec7e45a
    Media ID:                       216729
    Partner:                        -
    Media Type:                     HCART3
    Volume Group:                   002_00013_TLD
    Application:                    Netbackup
    Media Flags:                    1
    Description:                    Added by Media Manager
    Barcode:                        216729L3
    Partner Barcode:                --------
    Last Write Host:                henbackup01
    Created:                        08/17/2011 04:17
    Time Assigned:                  08/27/2011 22:29
    First Mount:                    08/28/2011 03:15
    Last Mount:                     09/03/2011 10:35
    Volume Expiration:              -
    Data Expiration:                INFINITY
    Last Written:                   09/03/2011 11:22
    Last Read:                      -
    Robot Type:                     TLD
    Robot Control Host:             henbackup01
    Robot Number:                   13
    Slot:                           6
    Side/Face:                      -
    Cleanings Remaining:            -
    Number of Mounts:               7
    Maximum Mounts Allowed:         0
    Media Status:                   FULL
    Kilobytes:                      673277595
    Images:                         21
    Valid Images:                   21
    Retention Period:               9
    Number of Restores:             0
    Optical Header Size Bytes:      1024
    Optical Sector Size Bytes:      0
    Optical Partition Size Bytes:   0
    Last Header Offset:             10383369
    Adamm Guid:                     00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Rsm Guid:                       00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Origin Host:                    NONE
    Master Host:                    adcutil30
    Server Group:                   NO_SHARING_GROUP
    Upgrade Conflicts Flag:
    Pool Number:                    1
    Volume Pool:                    NetBackup
    Previous Pool Name:             -
    Vault Flags:                    -
    Vault Container:                -
    Vault Name:                     -
    Vault Slot:                     -
    Session ID:                     -
    Date Vaulted:                   -
    Return Date:                    -
    Command completed successfully.

    F:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbemmcmd.exe -listmedia -mediaid 216737
    NBEMMCMD, Version:7.0.1
    Media GUID:                     7c222c0b-0a7d-4a35-99d2-1a1c5a782a4b
    Media ID:                       216737
    Partner:                        -
    Media Type:                     HCART3
    Volume Group:                   002_00013_TLD
    Application:                    Netbackup
    Media Flags:                    1
    Description:                    Added by Media Manager
    Barcode:                        216737L3
    Partner Barcode:                --------
    Last Write Host:                henbackup01
    Created:                        08/17/2011 04:17
    Time Assigned:                  08/27/2011 10:00
    First Mount:                    08/27/2011 18:13
    Last Mount:                     08/27/2011 18:13
    Volume Expiration:              -
    Data Expiration:                INFINITY
    Last Written:                   08/27/2011 22:29
    Last Read:                      -
    Robot Type:                     TLD
    Robot Control Host:             henbackup01
    Robot Number:                   13
    Slot:                           8
    Side/Face:                      -
    Cleanings Remaining:            -
    Number of Mounts:               1
    Maximum Mounts Allowed:         0
    Media Status:                   FULL
    Kilobytes:                      539672982
    Images:                         3
    Valid Images:                   3
    Retention Period:               9
    Number of Restores:             0
    Optical Header Size Bytes:      1024
    Optical Sector Size Bytes:      0
    Optical Partition Size Bytes:   0
    Last Header Offset:             6933867
    Adamm Guid:                     00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Rsm Guid:                       00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Origin Host:                    NONE
    Master Host:                    adcutil30
    Server Group:                   NO_SHARING_GROUP
    Upgrade Conflicts Flag:
    Pool Number:                    1
    Volume Pool:                    NetBackup
    Previous Pool Name:             -
    Vault Flags:                    -
    Vault Container:                -
    Vault Name:                     -
    Vault Slot:                     -
    Session ID:                     -
    Date Vaulted:                   -
    Return Date:                    -
    Command completed successfully.


    vmoprcmd -d:

    D:\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>vmoprcmd.exe -d

                                    PENDING REQUESTS

    ReqId      User    RecMID  ExtMID  Density  Mode    Time   Barcode   VolGroup
    57885417                   214261  hcart3   Write   06:56  214261    ---
    57593118                   214267  hcart3   Write   13:09  214267    ---

                                      DRIVE STATUS

    Drv Type   Control  User      Label  RecMID  ExtMID  Ready   Wr.Enbl.  ReqId
      0 hcart2   TLD                -                     No       -         0

                                 ADDITIONAL DRIVE STATUS

    Drv DriveName            Shared    Assigned        Comment
      0 HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.011  No       -

  • Thanks for direction Marianne, i changed media type and restore is running now. i didnt notice that media type was different.

    but during restore i got following warning:

    2/8/2012 11:24:12 AM - Warning bptm(pid=2208) media id 216729 not found in Media Manager, mount request will most likely occur

    What does this means?

    Thanks again!

  • OK - that is what I've suspected!

    Hope the hcart2 tape drive is LTO5?

    In that case changing the NBU density to hcart3 will work.

  • Not sure. I would have changed the drive density, not the media density.

  • Restore completed successfully after changing media type. root cause was drive type: HCART2 and media type HCART3 as seen in the outputs which Marianne asked.

  • Hi Marianne,


    why do you think it may have an issue if we will change media type. please share your knowledge. and also why did you say this:

    Hope the hcart2 tape drive is LTO5?

    In that case changing the NBU density to hcart3 will work.

    If it is not LTO5 it is not possible to change drive type? i thougt we can change any kind of drive (LTO2/3/4/5) to any density (HCART/2/3) as long as the densities are logical which is just within NB, is it correct?

  • When configuring devices with wizard, both LTO 2 and LTO 5 drive will be added with hcart2 type.
    LTO 2 drive can not read LTO 3 tapes, whereas LTO 5 drive can read LTO 3 tape.