NBU v10 retention
Hi folks,
What is the right way to set the retention in NBU 10 ? Policy Schedules or SLPs ? It is a bit confusing, what's the point of having both two ?
If I set a specific retention in a Policy Schedule and then assign the ''Policy storage'' to my SLP. Which one is taken into consideration ?
Kind regards.
The retention settings in the SLP will take precedence. Once you set an SLP for a policy or schedule the retention settings in the schedule should grey out and are not used.
The right way is what suits your environment - if you use SLP's, the the retention is set there and not in the schedule. Note also that SLP's give you the ability to have different retentions based on where the backup is stored.
The reason for both to to provide flexibility (and also I guess historical artifact). Not everyone wants or needs to use a SLP for every schedule (and in the distant past SLP's did not exist).