15 years agoLevel 3
NDMP Backup/Restores
I'm doing NDMP backups from a NetApp filer (ONTAP 7.3.2) using NetBackup 6.5.5. I'm using a pure Ethernet network no fibre. The master and media servers are on seperate sites connected via a shared 1Gbps pipe. I think 200Mbps is shared with NBU and other client traffic (between sites).
For the backups I'm getting a maximum throughput of about 60MBps, for restores I'm only getting 5MBps throughput.
I'm new to Netbackup, so a little green. Any ideas where I can look to improve the speed of backups restores?
One more question, when doing an NDMP restore do I always have to select the master server? If I select the media server I get a socket error.
- 1) have you got DAR set in Host Properties -> Master Servers -> master -> General Server "Use direct access recovery for NDMP restores" ? I would imagine so as it's on by default:
By default, NetBackup for NDMP is configured to use Direct Access Recovery (DAR) during NDMP restores. DAR can greatly reduce the time it takes to restore files. DAR allows the NDMP host to position the tape to the exact location of the requested file(s). Only the data that is needed for those files is read.
Clear the Direct access recovery for NDMP restores check box to disable DAR on all NDMP restores. Without DAR, NetBackup reads the entire backup image, even if only a single restore file is needed.
Altho' there are caveats:
However, you may find it appears slower anyway as it locates the requested files throughout the tape.
2) "when doing an NDMP restore do I always have to select the master server?" Do you mean in the BAR GUI "Server to use for backups & restores" within "Specify NetBackup Machines and Policy Type ..."?
This should always be the Master:
The NetBackup master server to use for user operations.