Forum Discussion

Ajith_Sankar's avatar
11 years ago

NDMP with Symantec Appliance

Hi Folks,

  I have vnx NDMP device and need to configure the backup with available Symantec Appliance 5230, media server.what is the best way to configure the backup that will give a good throughput.

  • No, it goes across the LAN. As I said previously.


    The only devices an NDMP enabled filer can write to across the SAN is a physical (or virtual) tape. The appliance is not any of these.

  • There is a white paper for that:

    Happy Reading :-)

  • Hi Marianne,

    we are not comfortable to use accelarator as we have CIFS shares and doesnt have a domain account that have the access to all shares. In many shares we have thousants of folders and user home directories that the spesific user only have the access. So i dont think i can use accelerator effectivly.

    And for deduplication would be there as we are using the appliance for the storage.


    I went through such kind of documents already but confused with disk stoarage unit and tape.

    I am clear about when we use the tape drive. But when i use the disk STU how do i configure the different kind of NDMP backups such as storage unit is NDMP, direct NDMP, 3-way etc.



  • Hi Ajith


    If you want to backup to the appliance it will be via the LAN and its called remote NDMP. Once the credentials are added for the ndmp device, simply point it to the storage unit on the appliance.


    There is no way to write to the appliance using NDMP and SAN.

  • All 3 configuration are documented in the Netbackup NDMP guide

  • Ok. But please let me know how the data flow would be on below scenario

    Appliance configured as media server with MSDP pool. Appliance and vnx filer has connected to a san switch and zoning is present. NDMP policy created with storage unit from MSDP pool STU.

    In above situation, when my NDMP backup fired, data can be travel from vnx to appliance storage through SAN ? Will it work in that way ?


  • No, it goes across the LAN. As I said previously.


    The only devices an NDMP enabled filer can write to across the SAN is a physical (or virtual) tape. The appliance is not any of these.

  • As per Riaan's post above:

    If you want to backup to the appliance it will be via the LAN and its called remote NDMP.