3 years agoLevel 2
need command for NBU
NBU 8.1.2.
I have 1000 clients in the environment.
I want to know that what all client dont have full backup ran in past 3 days.
I am using below command but it is showing me all clinet names in the file.
I need to know the command which can give what all clients do not have the backups in last 3 days.
I am using below command currrently.
for i in `cat client13feb2022.txt`;do echo "Client:$i";./bpimagelist -d 02/10/2022 00:00:00 -e 02/13/2022 00:00:00 -client $i -l | awk '/^IMAGE/ {print $2, $7, $11}' | egrep -i "week|Full"; done