Forum Discussion

Admin_NBU's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Need explanation about bplist output

Hi All,

Could you please some one explain the bplist output of all fields.

Command :

bplist -C < Client Name > -R -t 13 -s 05/26/2013 -e 05/27/2013 -l "/"  | Find /I "System State:" > D:\Temp1.txt

Output : 

< Client Name >
drwx------ root      root                0 May 27 14 System State:\
drwx------ root      root                0 May 27 27 System State:\System Files\
-rwx------ root      root                0 May 27 39 System State:\System Files\System Files
drwx------ root      root                0 May 27 23 System State:\Registry\
-rwx------ root      root                0 May 27 31 System State:\Registry\Registry
drwx------ root      root                0 May 27 47 System State:\COM+ Class Registration Database\
-rwx------ root      root                0 May 27 57 System State:\COM+ Class Registration Database\COM+ REGDB

  • Now see how by patience I finally got you to rephrase your actual need?

    If you use the filelist of ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES then the system state will be included in the backup image. If the backup results in a status " 0 " then you got a good backup including system state. If the backup results in a status " 1 " then probably the system state was not backed up.


    bperror -client $CLIENT (to see what system state files were not included in the image.)

    bpdbjobs -report (to see what jobs ran)

    both commands should be looked at in the Commands manual to answer any questions you may have and allow you to see what options are available.

  • What are you looking for? bplist is very well documented in the admin guide, online man page and the usage. The output in the command line you present ends at the pipe. The output is regular unix ls -l format. Maybe you could try rephrasing what you actually are looking for?

  • Can you explain about the value "0" in the below output.


    Output : 

    < Client Name >
    drwx------ root      root                0 May 27 14 System State:\
    drwx------ root      root                0 May 27 27 System State:\System Files\
    -rwx------ root      root                0 May 27 39 System State:\System Files\System Files
    drwx------ root      root                0 May 27 23 System State:\Registry\
    -rwx------ root      root                0 May 27 31 System State:\Registry\Registry
    drwx------ root      root                0 May 27 47 System State:\COM+ Class Registration Database\
    -rwx------ root      root                0 May 27 57 System State:\COM+ Class Registration Database\COM+ REGDB

  • that column displays size (if available)

    run only before the pipe and add the number 6 for the depth and you should see some files with their size displayed.

    bplist -C < Client Name > -R 6 -t 13 -s 05/26/2013 -e 05/27/2013 -l "/"

    d-w------- root;Admi root;SYST           0 Jun 21  2012 /C/WINDOWS/repair/Backup/
    -rwx------ root;Admi root;SYST       40960 May 26 19:35 /C/WINDOWS/repair/SAM

    The directory Backup size is 0
    the file named SAM is 40960 bytes in size

  • Thanks for clarification Stumpr2,

     when i checked the system state backup size in the netbackup acivity monitor it showing 541643 kb, but the abou output showing zero size. can you explain more on this.

    Actually i need to pull the report for system state backup status along with backup size for all the servers. if possible please share your inputs.

  • Now see how by patience I finally got you to rephrase your actual need?

    If you use the filelist of ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES then the system state will be included in the backup image. If the backup results in a status " 0 " then you got a good backup including system state. If the backup results in a status " 1 " then probably the system state was not backed up.


    bperror -client $CLIENT (to see what system state files were not included in the image.)

    bpdbjobs -report (to see what jobs ran)

    both commands should be looked at in the Commands manual to answer any questions you may have and allow you to see what options are available.