Forum Discussion

Vishnuaabe's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Need help on Netbackup 6.5


This is my first post in this forum also I am new to Netbackup admin role.

I need your help in troubleshooting netbackup client server 6.5 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.6 (Tikanga).

We have NBU master server on AIX 6.5 but this client have only NBU 6.5 in it and also it seems we cannot upgrade the NBU client version.

I am having problem in connecting with this client, can you please let me know how to start the services on NBU 6.5. generally I use "netbackup start" and "netbackup stop" to bounce the services but not sure how to do it in NBU 6.5.

Can some one please help in this.


  • If the telnet localhost is not working the the problem is in the client.

    manual start the bpcd and vnetd:

    bpcd -standalone
    vnetd - standalone

    and retry the telnet localhost.

    If this test works then your problem should be the xinetd.


    also check if selinux is enabled. netbackup does not work with selinux enabled out of the box.
    if it is enabled change it to permissive or disabled.

  • Check if you can connect to the client from the client at the netbackup ports (telnet localhost 13782 and  telnet localhost 13824). If you get an error, then the problem is on the client.
    check the firewall (service iptables status) or xinetd (The 6.5 client in unix/linux is not always running. it uses xinetd to start the bpcd and vnetd. so first check if xinetd is running.)

    Then check if you can connect to the netbackup server from the client and vice versa ( from client :telnet master_server_name 13782 and 137824 / from server: telnet client_host_name 13782 and 13724 ). always use hostnames and not IPs . Netbackup always use hostnames .
    If the telnet is not working, then the problem is at your network or firewall level.

    Last but not least check your DNS.



  • Check output of 'netstat -a' to see if bpcd and vnetd are Listening.
  • Thanks Stefan and Marianne for your reply, I did a check on "telnet localhost " with both the ports from the client itself but they did not worked. Firewall is disabled and confirmed xinetd is running.

    also I am not able to connect to the client from master and master to client.

    the netstat -a does not shows me these two ports even.


    I just only have nbclient in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies

  • Can you check contents of/etc/xinetd.d/ to see if bpcd and vnetd are present ? If not - speak to server owner to find out why it was removed.
  • yes they are present, I do see them in that location.

    vnetd           13724/udp                       # Veritas Network Utility
    bpcd            13782/udp                       # VERITAS NetBackup

  • If the telnet localhost is not working the the problem is in the client.

    manual start the bpcd and vnetd:

    bpcd -standalone
    vnetd - standalone

    and retry the telnet localhost.

    If this test works then your problem should be the xinetd.


    also check if selinux is enabled. netbackup does not work with selinux enabled out of the box.
    if it is enabled change it to permissive or disabled.

  • You can try to restart xinetd : /etc/init.d/xinetd restart and then check ouput of 'netstat -a' again.

    as suggested I started the BPCD as standalone after that I am able to do the telnet local host and the bptestbpcd from master worked fine but not able to start the VNETD as I don't find them.

    when triggered the backup it is not able to connect with the client got the below error.

    06/10/2015 08:33:41 - started process bpbrm (pid=16384074)
    06/10/2015 08:33:41 - connecting
    06/10/2015 08:43:43 - Error bpbrm (pid=16384074) cannot connect to xxx.xx.xx, status = 25
    06/10/2015 08:53:49 - Error bpbrm (pid=16384074) timed out trying to connect to xxx.xx.xx
    06/10/2015 08:53:49 - Info bpbkar (pid=0) done. status: 54: timed out connecting to client
    06/10/2015 08:53:49 - end writing

    also the selinux is disabled and per Marianne's suggestion I restarted the xinetd and did a netstat -a it showed the bpcd(it just shows when the bpcd is at standalone mode) also I am not able to ping any other server from the client except the master server.

    netstat -a | grep 137
    tcp        0      0 *:13782                     *:*                         LISTEN


    netstat -a | grep bpcd
    unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     22328071 /usr/openv/var/vnetd/bpcd.uds



  • vnetd should be in the same netbackup/bin folder as bpcd. Something very wrong if the binary is missing. Have you checked /etc/services for bpcd and vnetd entries? To troubleshoot status 54, create bpcd log folder under netbackup/logs. Post log after next failure. PS: Has this worked before?
  • Stefane and Marianne, thanks we got this backup fixed after brought down an bad etherner port.which had an wrong subnet mask on it.