Need information about Swap drive Exclusion
Backup environment Details
Master and Media servers are on SUSE Linux
Netbackup Version - (Master and Media)
VMs are getting backed up via V-ray i.e. no netbackup client installed on the VMs.
Each VM have a separate Swap drive allocated.
My concern is to exclude the Swap drive from the backup. Even after selecting the option to exlude the Swap and paging files, the swap drive is getting backup on daily basis.
Query i am using to fetch the clients from Vcenters
vCenter Equal "VCENTER NAME"
AND NOT Displayname Contains "NBU"
AND NOT Template Equal TRUE
AND Powerstate Equal poweredOn
Please suggest if there is any way to exclude the Swap drive from the backup. Thanks.
The manual say the following about option to Exclude swapping and paging files :
(Extract from: NetBackup for VMware Administrator's Guide )Note: This option does not exclude the swapping and paging files from the backup: it only
excludes the data in those files. If the files are restored, they are restored as empty files.You may want to configure swap drives as Independent disks.
Extract from p.27 of above manual:
Note: NetBackup for VMware cannot back up the data on an
independent disk. The backup succeeds but the backup image
contains no data for the independent disk. If you restore the disk
from the backup, the independent disk is restored to its original
allocation size but contains no data.
For example, the Windows swap file can reside on an independent disk, and is consequently not included in the virtual machine backup.