Forum Discussion

boblatchford's avatar
11 years ago

Netbackup - configuring WMare policies


This is just a general question around configuring NetBackup VMWare policies through the NetBackup Administration Console (we're using version -  just doing some testing\experimentation around Accelerator features.

When setting up a policy, there are a couple of options:-

option 1: Attributes tab:Use Accelerator

option 2: VMWare tab: Enable block-level incremental backup

scenario 1: enable option 1 (then option 2 is automatically enabled and greyed out)

scenario 2: leave option 1 unticked, but manually enable option 2.

Is there any difference between the above two scenarios? When you choose Accelerator option - are there any other features enabled other than the ability to use change block tracking to do incremental backups?


Sorry for such a basic question - any help appreciated.




  • Enable block-level incremental backup option is also avaliable in earliver version on of netbackup for the VMware policy.

    option 1: Attributes tab:Use Accelerator is only avalible from 7.6 version for VMware policy and block level incrmental option is mandatory to have the accelerator backups for Vmware backups

    first senario will enable acceleraror and it requires to have the  block level enabled...

    2nd senario will only enables the block leve incrmental backups but not the accelerator.

    Read below one

    Changed Block Tracking in VMware vStorage APIs for Data Protection: The change block tracking (CBT) capability in vSphere lets data protection applications like NetBackup to retrieve disk blocks from virtual machine disk file (VMDK file) that has changed since a previous pre-assigned point in time. NetBackup had supported CBT for incremental backups ever since VMware introduced that capability in vSphere 4.0. NetBackup Accelerator makes use of CBT to detect changed blocks


  • Enable block-level incremental backup option is also avaliable in earliver version on of netbackup for the VMware policy.

    option 1: Attributes tab:Use Accelerator is only avalible from 7.6 version for VMware policy and block level incrmental option is mandatory to have the accelerator backups for Vmware backups

    first senario will enable acceleraror and it requires to have the  block level enabled...

    2nd senario will only enables the block leve incrmental backups but not the accelerator.

    Read below one

    Changed Block Tracking in VMware vStorage APIs for Data Protection: The change block tracking (CBT) capability in vSphere lets data protection applications like NetBackup to retrieve disk blocks from virtual machine disk file (VMDK file) that has changed since a previous pre-assigned point in time. NetBackup had supported CBT for incremental backups ever since VMware introduced that capability in vSphere 4.0. NetBackup Accelerator makes use of CBT to detect changed blocks