Forum Discussion

Friedrich's avatar
Level 2
4 months ago

NetBackup - Reportes de Backups en curso

I would appreciate confirming if it is feasible to send reports of Backups in Progress; Since you want to track certain backups.

  • Hi

    Instead of sending reports you can watch these jobs in Activity monitor on web UI or java GUI. You can see them in the IT analytics, Alta View or OpsCenter....

    I don't see a valid reason to send report on a job which is in progress.

  • OK; then there is no option to schedule the sending of a Backup Status Report "In Progress", could you confirm me?.

    We want a more dynamic monitoring and reach to people who do not have to enter the OpCenter tool, to know that the backup is In Progress; especially with backups that can last up to 24 hours.

    Thanks :)

    • quebek's avatar


      I do confirm - I am not aware of any report which is available for on-going jobs...

      From the other hand you can always run bpdbjobs |grep Active |grep for whatever you are interested| mailx -s "this report is running"

      also you can try use APIs to achieve what you want ....

  • I do not know IT analytics, so I cannot help you on that, but you can create a script using the bpdbjobs command and send it by email.

    I have a script that runs using crontab every morning with the jobs running for more than 10 hours.


    ddate=`date  --date="$days days ago" +"%m/%d/%y %H:%M"`
    bpdbjobs -all_columns -t "$ddate"|grep -v SLP_ >${temp}/bpdbjobs_no_slp.txt
    echo running jobs for more than ${hours}H
    cat ${temp}/bpdbjobs_no_slp.txt | awk -F"," '{if ($3 =="1") print $1","$5","$6","$7","int($10/60/60)","int($10%(60*60)/60)","$10%60}' |awk -F"," -v h=$hours '{if ($5 >= h) print $1","$2","$3" ,"$4","$5":"$6":"$7}'