Forum Discussion

_5's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

Netbackup 5.0GA and LTO 4 drive

Hi folks,

I am facing a problem with NBU 5.0GA

We have purchased a SL500 with LTO 4 tape drive and while trying to configure the drve and RObot it is not able to detect when doing both sgscan and  storage configuration wizard

Os version is SOlaris 8  (.8 Generic_117350-60 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240)and from the OS i am able to detect the tape drives as well as the robot .

Can you help in this regards.

  • Hi folks,

    I have upgraded the Netbackup 5.0GA to 5.1Mp7 .Now the LTO 4 drives are detecting properly and able to backup also.

    Thanks onece again Marianne /Stepfanos for your comments .

    The Upgradation part we are taking later time as we yet  to get the permant lic .

  • Have you checked NetBackup hardware compatibility guide?
    Ask yourself these questions:
    When was NBU 5.0GA released? When were LTO4 tape drives released? Wat is the date of the st driver on your O/S? Does it support LTO4 tape drives?
    I'm sure you understand that you VERY OLD and unsupported O/S and backup software don't know about the existence of your much newer device types?

  • Thanks for your coments Marinne

    I already gone through the some of the documentations, I am in process to upgrade the netbackup 5.0 GA to 6.5 but for that need to update the 5.0GA to 5.1 then from there 6.5 .. but i am strucking up with the upgradation process beacause of the i am not able find the patches for the  upgradation .( from 5.0 to 5.1)

    Currently i don't have the direct support with symantec for NBU , i got the key through the Sun.

    Can you help to get the patches for upgrading the NBU 5.0 to 5.1


  • Before you do the scan, is the OS able to see the library path? have the OS configured and mounted that path? check your HBA config and look for any missing or automap paths, try to reset the HBA where the robot is mounted. Are you controling the library through ACSLS? if it is, are you able to ping and RPC the ACSLS server?
  • Hi Vimal
    NBU 5.1 was a new version, not just a patch. The following doc is your friend if you want to upgrade to 6.5:
    You will see on page 11 that you can upgrade to 6.5 from 5.0, but you need to install MP4 (or later) first:
    For 5.0 systems, Symantec requires that you install 5.0MP4 or later.

    The next doc to consult will be O/S compatibility guide:

    As well as Device Compatibility Guide:

    You will see that Solaris 8 is still supported as Server in NBU 6.5.
    Just ensure that your Solaris st driver supports LTO4. To confirm, do the following:
    cd /kernel/drv
    strings st |grep -i ultrium

    Page 76 of NBU Release Notes lists the required Solaris 8 patches.
  •  Thanks marianne for your inputs.

    Can I know NBU which version onwards started supporting LTO4  tape drives.

  • NO, you do not have to go to 5.1 first. It is recommended, but you can upgrade from 5.0 to 6.5 directly. You have to put the latest patch of 5.0 (I think was MP7) and then upgrade to 6.5
    The upgrade is not supported for versions GA, MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4

    Does sun do upgrades? I had a filing that sun installations is "install and forget"

    PS I have some 5.0 installations with LTO4 drives. Before upgrade, try to uninstall and reinstall sg drivers. A reboot of the system will help.
  • No idea which version started LTO4 support, but it seems that
    Stefanos Monovasios
      is using them on 5.0 - maybe he can tell us which patch version?
    Just ensure that your st patch level supports LTO4.
    Ensure that the O/S sees the devices before rebuilding the sg driver....
  • Hi folks,

    I have upgraded the Netbackup 5.0GA to 5.1Mp7 .Now the LTO 4 drives are detecting properly and able to backup also.

    Thanks onece again Marianne /Stepfanos for your comments .

    The Upgradation part we are taking later time as we yet  to get the permant lic .
