16 years agoLevel 3
Netbackup 5.0GA and LTO 4 drive
Hi folks,
I am facing a problem with NBU 5.0GA
We have purchased a SL500 with LTO 4 tape drive and while trying to configure the drve and RObot it is not able to detect when doing both sgscan and storage configuration wizard
Os version is SOlaris 8 (.8 Generic_117350-60 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240)and from the OS i am able to detect the tape drives as well as the robot .
Can you help in this regards.
I am facing a problem with NBU 5.0GA
We have purchased a SL500 with LTO 4 tape drive and while trying to configure the drve and RObot it is not able to detect when doing both sgscan and storage configuration wizard
Os version is SOlaris 8 (.8 Generic_117350-60 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240)and from the OS i am able to detect the tape drives as well as the robot .
Can you help in this regards.
- Hi folks,
I have upgraded the Netbackup 5.0GA to 5.1Mp7 .Now the LTO 4 drives are detecting properly and able to backup also.
Thanks onece again Marianne /Stepfanos for your comments .
The Upgradation part we are taking later time as we yet to get the permant lic .