Forum Discussion

inadequate's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Netbackup 7.0.1


I'm using Netbackup 7.0.1. Everyday backup is failed with 96 error, whereas Media is available in the Volume pool. Media is not full, not frozen. I checked the media status in bpmedialist -m P40202 but it shows that EMM database doesnot has any entry for this media.

In nbemmcmd -listmedia -m P40202 command it is showing all the details properly.

What may be the cause of this problem. Please help.



  • I have a blog with more detail on how writing to a tape works.

    If you mix retention levels you get a lot of the blank spots, and a full tape cannot be used again until all the data on the tape has expired.

    Remember if the tape still has an assigned date then if you use it you will be appending to it.

    I agree with everyone else.  Let NB do what it can for you by managing your tapes. Fewer pools and a scratch spool will make life easier.  when you send your tapes offsite just set the return date so them come back expired or close to expiration date.

  • Just create a scratch pool, all tapes go into the scratch, they get used as required after that.


    Dont over complicate your life.

  • after expritaion this is the only status of every tape, but the same day backup fails with error code 96???

  • If you dont have adequate amount of free tapes in the library then definately backups will fail . Its alwasys best to have some free medias instead of waiting for images which are going to expire. Suppose 2 medias are going to expire tdy night don't consider that for tdys night backup . And there is a chances of media write errors and all , so its always better to have some tapes extra.

    You can configure scratch pool and place all the free medias over there , so that when ever a media get expired it will go the scratch pool and it will be automatically assigned as per the requirement . Place all the medias over there

    If you dont want to configure scratch pool then manually assigned tapes as per your requirement , but make sure some extra medias are placed .

    as per your question on Allow 'multiple retention option' , there are advantages and disadvantages in setting this option .

    Adv : Any media can be used for any backup (ex. 2 weeks , 3 weeks ) i.e. if you have multiple retentions like some images which are retained for 2 weeks and some are for 3 weeks , if you enable this option then images will be written to any of the medias.

    Dis : if you have mixed retention then even if the 2 weeks images are expired, you cant able to use the media untilll all the images are expired i.e. need to wait untill 3 weeks retention image expries.

    But if you have a single retention then the media usuage will be better



  • Thanks to all. I changed the image clean up time, So let us see how will it work to wednesday.

  • Also consider cutting down on volume pools. There is really no value in having a pool for each day of the week. Rather have a single Daily pool and a Scratch pool.

    I agree with NOT mixing retention levels - it only creates problems in the long run with media unusable until all images have expired. You really don't want daily and yearly backups to end up on the same tape...

  • I have a blog with more detail on how writing to a tape works.

    If you mix retention levels you get a lot of the blank spots, and a full tape cannot be used again until all the data on the tape has expired.

    Remember if the tape still has an assigned date then if you use it you will be appending to it.

    I agree with everyone else.  Let NB do what it can for you by managing your tapes. Fewer pools and a scratch spool will make life easier.  when you send your tapes offsite just set the return date so them come back expired or close to expiration date.