Forum Discussion

aksriniv's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

netbackup 7.1 support AIR with OST

We would like to know whether the netbackup 7.1 support AIR with OST .

  • Please have a look at the FAQ for AIR:


    2.       What are the minimum requirements to implement Duplication to Remote Master? 
    Duplication to Remote Master requires NetBackup 7.1 domains. The storage servers at the source and target domains must support OpenStorage version 11 and provide plugins to make use of Duplication to Remote Master. At the time of NetBackup 7.1 release, the Media Server Deduplication Pool (MSDP) supports duplications to remote master. The support for PureDisk Deduplication Pool (PDDO) and NetBackup appliances will be available at a later time.
    For third party OpenStorage devices, please contact the vendor for details on Duplication to Remote Master support.


    We were told the following with regard to OST support:

    •          AIR support for MSDP is delivered in NetBackup 7.1.

    •          AIR support for both 50xx and 52xx appliances is planned for calendar Q3 of 2011.

    –      5220  series software version N 2 is expected to be released in August

    –      5000/5020  series software version D 1.4 is expected to be released in late September

    •          AIR support for PDDO is planned for calendar Q4 of 2011.

    •          MSDP to PDDO replication (including 52xx to 50xx) will be supported.

    •          PDDO to MSDP replication (including 50xx to 52xx) is not planned.

    •          The following 3rd party appliances are actively developing a plug-in to support AIR functionality. 

    –      ExaGrid (expected  Q3, 2011)

    –      Sepaton (expected Q3, 2011 with their 6.1 release)

    –      Quantum (expected late Q4, 2011 with their 2.1 release)

    –      EMC/DataDomain (believed to be in development but no release date currently planned)

    Support from other storage vendors will be available per their independent release schedules


    The point about “blanket support” (as per HCL) is correct insofar as the 7.1 OST API supports AIR so any vendor who codes an OST plug-in that supports AIR is supported using 7.1 – the restriction lies with the OST vendors.  Right at this moment the only technology that supports AIR is MSDP  because that’s a full integration (i.e. the team that write the API also writes the plug-in to verify  the API).

  • Please have a look at the FAQ for AIR:


    2.       What are the minimum requirements to implement Duplication to Remote Master? 
    Duplication to Remote Master requires NetBackup 7.1 domains. The storage servers at the source and target domains must support OpenStorage version 11 and provide plugins to make use of Duplication to Remote Master. At the time of NetBackup 7.1 release, the Media Server Deduplication Pool (MSDP) supports duplications to remote master. The support for PureDisk Deduplication Pool (PDDO) and NetBackup appliances will be available at a later time.
    For third party OpenStorage devices, please contact the vendor for details on Duplication to Remote Master support.


    We were told the following with regard to OST support:

    •          AIR support for MSDP is delivered in NetBackup 7.1.

    •          AIR support for both 50xx and 52xx appliances is planned for calendar Q3 of 2011.

    –      5220  series software version N 2 is expected to be released in August

    –      5000/5020  series software version D 1.4 is expected to be released in late September

    •          AIR support for PDDO is planned for calendar Q4 of 2011.

    •          MSDP to PDDO replication (including 52xx to 50xx) will be supported.

    •          PDDO to MSDP replication (including 50xx to 52xx) is not planned.

    •          The following 3rd party appliances are actively developing a plug-in to support AIR functionality. 

    –      ExaGrid (expected  Q3, 2011)

    –      Sepaton (expected Q3, 2011 with their 6.1 release)

    –      Quantum (expected late Q4, 2011 with their 2.1 release)

    –      EMC/DataDomain (believed to be in development but no release date currently planned)

    Support from other storage vendors will be available per their independent release schedules


    The point about “blanket support” (as per HCL) is correct insofar as the 7.1 OST API supports AIR so any vendor who codes an OST plug-in that supports AIR is supported using 7.1 – the restriction lies with the OST vendors.  Right at this moment the only technology that supports AIR is MSDP  because that’s a full integration (i.e. the team that write the API also writes the plug-in to verify  the API).