NetBackup 7.5 Client Install Fails CentOS 6.7
Fresh local install of client running CentOS release 6.7 (Final) x64. Master server is Windows so attempting local client install.
Downloaded NetBackup_7.5_CLIENTS_tar-gz.1of3, 2of3, 3of3, MD5 checksums do match.
When running ./install, it installs PBX then unpacks SYMCnbclt package, receiving this error:
./cp_to_client: line 781: 13785 Broken pipe ${unbundle_cmd}
13786 Segmentation fault | ${tar_cmd} >> ${pkg_trace} 2>&1
tar failed unpacking /root/tmp/NetBackup_7.5_CLIENTS/NBClients/anb/Clients/usr/openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat2.6.18/client_bin.tar.gz on
Cannot complete the install.
No Symantec products installed on this server.
Any ideas?
Had an issue on AIX, where tmp wasn't big enough to hold the temporary file created by one of the commands in the install script.
Here I would try a manual untar of the failing archive, maybe somewhere other than the /root file system