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jamesrburns's avatar
12 years ago

Netbackup 7.5 Exchange GRT Restore issue

I have varying (as in the failure can occur at two different points) restore issue with NB 7.5.4 :-

Set up GRT Policy for Exchange 2010 SP2. Had various issues along the way, but thought I now had it working. Pretty sure I have followed all requirements in docs.

GRT Backup of Exchange semingly works fine with no errors, but when trying to browse the mailboxes during item restore attempt, often get "ERROR: Socket open failed" with associated error code 21. That is most common error I am getting.

Somtimes, it gets further and allows me to select mailbox item for restore, but restore fails with this error :-

"failed to recover the requested files" with a "rai error 17"

Have tried reducing Dedup STU fragment size to 5000MB and increasing client timeouts to 180 seconds to no avail.

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 being used for NB servers and clients.
NB Client Restore log (when it gets that far) :-

10:22:46 08/02/2013: Restore Started

10:23:27 (813.001) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 07/02/2013 16:55:07
10:25:16 (813.001) TAR - \\NBU-EXCH\Microsoft Information Store\Mailbox Database 1496595363\Database
10:25:16 (813.001) (813.001) ERR - unable to create object for restore: \\NBU-EXCH\Microsoft Information Store\Mailbox Database 1496595363\Database\peter piper [ppiper], rai error = 17
10:25:16 (813.001) (813.001) ERR - unable to create object for restore: \\NBU-EXCH\Microsoft Information Store\Mailbox Database 1496595363\Database\peter piper [ppiper]\Top of Information Store, rai error = 17
10:25:16 (813.001) (813.001) ERR - unable to create object for restore: \\NBU-EXCH\Microsoft Information Store\Mailbox Database 1496595363\Database\peter piper [ppiper]\Top of Information Store\Inbox, rai error = 17
10:25:17 (813.001) (813.001) ERR - unable to create object for restore: \\NBU-EXCH\Microsoft Information Store\Mailbox Database 1496595363\Database\peter piper [ppiper]\Top of Information Store\Inbox\This <00000000bdc4b6706a47dc45ba05846ff416a1630700982b3ee3b30f6748a2337ce632f7f0760000004d5d5a0000982b3ee3b30f6748a2337ce632f7f0760000004e22040000>, rai error = 6
10:25:17 (813.001) (813.001) INF - GRE EXITING WITH STATUS = 0
10:25:17 (813.001) (813.001) INF - GRE RESTORED 1 OF 5 FILES SUCCESSFULLY
10:25:17 (813.001) (813.001) INF - GRE KEPT 0 EXISTING FILES
10:25:17 (813.001) (813.001) INF - GRE PARTIALLY RESTORED 0 FILES

10:25:17 (813.001) Status of restore from copy 1 of image created 07/02/2013 16:55:07 = the restore failed to recover the requested files

10:25:17 INF - Server status = 2810
10:25:17 INF - Server status = 5
10:25:17 ( INF - Status = MS-Exchange-Server policy restore error.

10:25:18 ( INF - Status = the restore failed to recover the requested files.

All user acocunts in AD which have maiboxes are enabled.

Can anyone assist with this please?


  • A couple of things in the log files:

    requestor nbu-exch.nbu.local is not a valid server for query 223

    14:18:05.019 [1892.5044] <16> main: unable to register cred

    This indicates that the client you are running the restore from is not valis for the restore.

    So double check the Distributed Application Mapping are correct in the Master Servers Host Properties, add the \netbackup\db\altnames\No.Restrictions file if it is not already there (on the Master) and then finally - and a little odd this one ... but if you are doing the restore from the mailbox server that you will be restoring to (you should only use this client or the Master to do the restore) then open up the BAR GUI on the mailbox server, go to File - Specify NetBackup Machines and Policy Type, click on the Servers List and add the client itself into its own list.

    Once added you can close the GUI

    For even more server over-rides add the mailbox servers to the "Additional Servers" list on the Master Servers Host Properties.

    This all just helps if the Distributed Application Mappings are not working correctly.

    The only other thing of concern is one line in the All Log Entries:

    11/02/2013 00:00:28 nbuserver.nbu.local nbu-exch.nbu.local Critical 912 Backup Exchange: Unsupported schedule type

    Worth taking a look at what that may mean

    Hope this helps