ok. You are using the version 7.5 which mean at this time your system is not patched at all.
As you mentionned in the beginning, you are using a Solaris 10 master server right?
Is it a cluster node or standalone ?
If it's a Cluster node , there are some particular steps that you need to follow. You can consult you netbackup installation guide for UNIX and go to the cluster section. You will find more details about it.
if it's a standalone, then extract the archive and apply the patch
I assume that your images have been migrated successfully and your catalog database is ok (you can run nbcc tools for checking the integrity of your database.
If you have upload the binaries to your master server, you can find all relevant .pdf documentation under the following directory:
mine is as follow:
[root@master]# ls
favicon.ico NetBackup_AdminGuide_Sybase.pdf
NetBackup_3rdpartyattributions.pdf NetBackup_AdminGuide_Vault.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_BMR.pdf NetBackup_AdminGuide_VMware.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_Cloud.pdf NetBackup_AdvDisk_Guide.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_ClusteredMasterServer.pdf NetBackup_BAR_GS_Guide.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_DB2.pdf NetBackup_Commands.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_EntVault.pdf NetBackup_Dedupe_Guide.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_HighAvailability.pdf NetBackup_DeviceConfig_Guide.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_Hyper-V.pdf NetBackup_GettingStarted_Guide.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuideII_UNIXServer.pdf NetBackup_Install_UNIX.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuideII_WinServer.pdf NetBackup_Install_Win.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_Informix.pdf NetBackup_LiveUpdate_Guide.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuideI_UNIXServer.pdf NetBackupManuals.html
NetBackup_AdminGuideI_WinServer.pdf NetBackup_OperGuide_Vault.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_LotusNotes.pdf NetBackup_OST_Disk_Guide.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_MSExchg_Win.pdf NetBackup_RefGuide_StatusCodes.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_MSSQL_Win.pdf NetBackup_Release_Notes.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_NDMP.pdf NetBackup_RepDirector_Guide.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_Oracle.pdf NetBackup_SANClient_Guide.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_SAP.pdf NetBackup_SecEncryp_Guide.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_Search.pdf NetBackup_Troubleshoot_Guide.pdf
NetBackup_AdminGuide_SharePoint.pdf symc_logo.gif
[root@master]# pwd
Before patching:
1. reboot completly
2. make sure all process are up with bpps -x
3. Try connect to admin console
4. run NBCC tools to check the integrity of your catalog
5. check EMM integrity with the following command:
nbemmcmd -getemmserver
nbemmcmd -listmedia -allrecords -brief
nbemmcmd -listhosts
If all of the above sounds good, try to patch and tack the logs ;-)