Forum Discussion

Nick2018's avatar
Level 3
6 years ago

Netbackup 7.7.3 with LTO8

Hi All,

I have a question, in my backup infraestructure i have two LTO8 drives, and recently i upgrade to NB7.7.3,  is suported with LTO8? wich is the drive type? hcart3 for LTO8?

And other question, NB7.7.3 suported drives T10k?

  • Mouse's avatar
    6 years ago

    Can you confirm that you have installed the latest device mappings file? Your NBU was released before LTO8 drives were commercially available so I'd not be surprised you need to updated device mappings.

  • Mouse is correct, if the NetBackup version you had was releaesed before LTO8 drive were available it will not know about them, hence why it cannot discover them.

    The Device Mappings files which contain 'hardware definitions', this can be updated to the latest version, which will include LTO8 drives.

    The download and instructions to install can be found here:


  • quebek's avatar
    6 years ago


    You need to allow NBU to overwrite this media type... More details here

    Equivalent Administration Console property

    NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Click Master Servers or Media Servers > Double-click on server > Media > Allow media overwrite.

    See Media properties.

    Use the nbgetconfig and the nbsetconfig commands to view, add, or change the option.

    For information about these commands, see the NetBackup Commands Reference Guide.

    Use the following format:

    ALLOW_MEDIA_OVERWRITE = media_format

    This option should appear only once in the configuration file.

  • Nick2018 

    LTO8 is supported with NetBackup 7.7.3.

    The denisty (logical) in NetBackup will be "hcart2" for LTO8

    LTO8 - hcart2

    LTO7 - hcart


    LTO6 - hcart3

    LTO5 - hcart2

    LTO4 - hcart

  • NBU definitely supports T10K drives. They come in different generations, though.

    For LTO8 support you need to check if you have updated the device mappings file.

    • Nick2018's avatar
      Level 3

      Ok, in the configuration wizard appears as "drive type unknow", i can select manually "HCART2", is correct this method?

      • quebek's avatar


        Sure you can. You can even make its type as dlt3 as long your storage units and tapes are of the same type ;)

  • The density can be anything apart from qcart.  As long as the tape and drive density match, it doesn't matter which you use.

    • Nick2018's avatar
      Level 3

      Great! in this case, for example to test drives/tapes T10K (with tapes T1000C) i can use drive type HCART2? is the same?

      • Mouse's avatar

        You can use any combination but It should be the same for tape drives and tapes but different sets for media types which are incompatible with each other. Using the same HCART type will not make your T10K tapes physically compatible with LTO8 tapes if it was your question.