Netbackup 7.7 and Windows 2003 Compatibility
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It seems from your responses that nobody really knows the answer (to Relboy's question either). It's better just to say those three little words that are so hard for some to utter: "I don't know." Better still, don't post at all, and leave the preaching about Win2003 being a risk to an audience who wouldn't already know this. I suspect no-one in this forum is in a position to kill off business critical legacy systems as they wouldn't have the authority or budget control.
Let's look at the question of operating a newer NetBackup server with older clients for legacy platforms another way. Is anyone out there already doing this ? E.g., have you tried running NetBackup Server 7.7.3 or 8.0 and, on the legacy Win2003 client, NB Client ? How did this work out for you ? Did you experiment with different NB versions ? Which was the optimal combination ?