10 years agoLevel 4
Netbackup 7.7 bprestore last catalog
Let say I do a full backup that backups the files "A", "B" and "C". Let's call this "Catalog 1"
On the server file "D" get added. So on the next incremental backup the "D" file is backed up. Let's call this "Catalog 2"
Is there a way to restore only the files from "Catalog 2" (IE The last Incremental backup) using bprestore ? I tried with the -s parameter and the date, but it seems like it does a "Point in time recovery and restore "A", "B", "C" and "D" files... I want only "D"
Using the GUI, it's very easy, I can choose the catalog and click restore...
Thanks in advance
Try specifying the excat start and end time of D (aka Catalgo 2) using the -s and -e option.
If you don't speify a end time, current time is assumed.