Forum Discussion

  • Do you mean SMB 3.0 ? Netbackup does not use SMB for backup so there is no relationship and its not a requirement. Instead you can check the compatibility from OS point of view.


  • I was unable to find any info about the support for SMB 3.0/Hyber-V  in the NBU 7.7 release notes

  • I dont think there would be anything new on this topic, from what I can see this feature has been around since 2012. If something was lacking in NetBackup then it would have popped up by now. I suspect if Windows supports it, Netbackup supports is. Same as with VMware and NFS.


    Do see any issue? Why are you asking?


    Deploy Hyper-V over SMB

    17 out of 21 rated this helpful - Rate this topic

    Published: May 31, 2012

    Updated: April 2, 2014

    Applies To: Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2


    SMB 3.0 file shares can be used as shared storage for Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012. With this capability, Hyper-V can store virtual machine files, which includes configuration, virtual hard disk (VHD) files, and snapshots, on SMB file shares. Listed below are the main advantages of storing application data for Hyper-V on SMB file shares:

  • NetBackup does not support Hyper-V backup over SBM 3 shares. This is the case now with 7.6.1. I am asking if  shortcoming is resolved on 7.7

  • Very shot and sad answer - no.

    NBU 7.7 will not support SMB 3.0 on Hyper-V.