Netbackup 7 and Anti-virus
I am planning to install Symantec Endpoint protection to all of my Netbackup 7 servers.Can anyone let me know some information on
1. General guidelines to install AV on Netbackup Servers
2. Any issues faced by installing AV
3. General exclusions on AV when installing it on Netbackup 7
I think it's a bad idea, but someone working in the Antivirus part of the company would probably shout me down. :) That said, here's a TechNote with some general info and guidelines for configuring NetBackup to exclude the vitals and keep NetBackup humming:
General recommendations for virus scanner exclusions working with Netbackup product.
We issued this Tech Alert a few years ago warning about the consequences of letting antivirus "clean up" your backup images:
TechAlert: Antivirus software may silently clean NetBackup disk images, which can lead to data loss.
This one was a more recent Tech Alert for MSDO, but describes another good example of what can happen if you let your antivirus process delete stuff that you've saved as part of a backup:
Antivirus software may delete files required by the NetBackup Media Server Deduplication Option's deduplication engine (spoold), causing it to fail to start. Deleted files may also result in corrupt, unrestorable images.
I hope this helps! I'm sure others will share their real world experiences as well.