Forum Discussion

demo4119's avatar
Level 6
15 years ago

Netbackup 7 API storage on Vsphere Questions


Do Netbackup 7 API storage backup required two hba ports to connect to separate SAN switch for backup reduandant?
required MPIO drive to be installed on Windows OS media servers?
Wat is the average backup through for API storage over 4 GB of FC san switch ?


  •  Are two HBA's required?  No

    Is MPIO driver needed on windows?  Well that depends if you have two HBA's and need path redundancy.

    What is the average throughput of vStorage API?  Fast, as fast as your weakest link.  There is no answer to this as it depends on your storage, system loads, throughput, bandwidth, lunar gravity, etc.  (I'm kidding about lunar gravity)  But generally if it's all SAN based and NOT NBD even cheap entry level SATA based  SAN's are moving data at over 2000MB/min.