15 years agoLevel 3
netbackup 7 install fails on fresh solaris 10 u8
Does anybody already face this at netbackup 7 end of install
Installed SQL Anywhere Version
Installation completed successfully
Database server is NB_srvsback01
Creating the NetBackup database.
Creating NetBackup data files in: /usr/openv/db/data
Creating /usr/openv/db/data
Creating NetBackup index files in: /usr/openv/db/data
Creating NetBackup transaction log file in: /usr/openv/db/data
Creating NetBackup staging directory in: /usr/openv/db/staging
Creating /usr/openv/db/staging
Starting the NetBackup database.
Database [NBDB] can't be started on server [NB_srvsback01].
Creating the NetBackup database files.
Error at line 1
Invalid user ID or password
Unable to create/upgrade the NB database. Refer to the
log file in /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/nbdb for more
information. Rerun /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp
when the problem has been resolved.
NetBackup server installation complete.
System is a t5240 with latest patches installed.
nbdb log says
07:37:19.964 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: Entering.
07:37:19.964 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: /usr/openv/db/bin/create_nbdb -force -data /usr/openv/db/data -index /usr/openv/db/data -tlog /usr/openv/db/data -staging /usr/openv/db/staging
07:37:19.967 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: SQLANY = /usr/openv/db
07:37:19.967 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: SQLANY11 = /usr/openv/db
07:37:19.967 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /usr/openv/db/lib
07:37:19.967 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: ASTMP = /usr/openv/tmp/sqlany
07:37:19.967 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: SATMP = /usr/openv/tmp/sqlany
07:37:19.971 [8507] <4> pingDBServer: Entering.
07:37:19.971 [8507] <4> pingDBServer: Running . /usr/openv/db/ && "/usr/openv/db/bin/dbping" -q -c "ENG=NB_srvsback01;LINKS=shmem,tcpip{PORT=13785}"
07:37:20.394 [8507] <4> pingDBServer: Database server [NB_srvsback01] is available.
07:37:20.394 [8507] <4> pingDBServer: Exiting. rc = 0
07:37:20.394 [8507] <4> getExistingDBFile: Entering.
07:37:20.401 [8507] <4> getExistingDBFile: Exiting with rc = 0
07:37:20.401 [8507] <4> createdb: Entering.
07:37:20.401 [8507] <4> createdb: Creating the NetBackup database.
07:37:20.401 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Entering.
07:37:20.401 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Creating NetBackup data files in: /usr/openv/db/data
07:37:20.402 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Creating /usr/openv/db/data
07:37:20.402 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Exiting with rc = 0
07:37:20.402 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Entering.
07:37:20.402 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Creating NetBackup index files in: /usr/openv/db/data
07:37:20.402 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Exiting with rc = 0
07:37:20.402 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Entering.
07:37:20.403 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Creating NetBackup transaction log file in: /usr/openv/db/data
07:37:20.403 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Exiting with rc = 0
07:37:20.403 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Entering.
07:37:20.403 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Creating NetBackup staging directory in: /usr/openv/db/staging
07:37:20.403 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Creating /usr/openv/db/staging
07:37:20.403 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Exiting with rc = 0
07:37:20.403 [8507] <4> run_nbdb_cmd: Entering.
07:37:20.404 [8507] <4> run_nbdb_cmd: Running . /usr/openv/db/ && "/usr/openv/db/bin/dbinit" -q -b -c -z UTF8 -p 4096 -t "/usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.log" "/usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.db" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
07:37:35.854 [8507] <4> run_nbdb_cmd: . /usr/openv/db/ && "/usr/openv/db/bin/dbinit" -q -b -c -z UTF8 -p 4096 -t "/usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.log" "/usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.db" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null successful.
07:37:35.854 [8507] <4> run_nbdb_cmd: Exiting with rc = 0
07:37:35.860 [8507] <16> ReadVxDBMS_ConfFile: Can't open configuration file: /usr/openv/db/data/vxdbms.conf
07:37:35.860 [8507] <4> UpdateSettinginHostConfig: Entering.
07:37:35.947 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Param = SERVER, modified = 0
07:37:35.947 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Copying = SERVER entry
07:37:35.947 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Param = CLIENT_NAME, modified = 0
07:37:35.947 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Copying = CLIENT_NAME entry
07:37:35.947 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Param = USE_VXSS, modified = 0
07:37:35.947 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Copying = USE_VXSS entry
07:37:35.948 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Param = VXSS_SERVICE_TYPE, modified = 0
07:37:35.948 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Copying = VXSS_SERVICE_TYPE entry
07:37:35.948 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Param = EMMSERVER, modified = 0
07:37:35.948 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Copying = EMMSERVER entry
07:37:35.950 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Adding VXDBMS_NB_DATA
07:37:35.951 [8507] <2> UpdateLocalHostConfig: UpdateConfigFile completed <0>
07:37:35.951 [8507] <4> UpdateSettinginHostConfig: Exiting with rc = 0
07:37:35.953 [8507] <4> createdb: Starting the NetBackup database.
07:37:35.953 [8507] <4> startup_nb_databases: Starting up ASA locally on srvsback01
07:37:36.130 [8507] <4> create_util_db_file: Creating /usr/openv/db/bin/util_db.ini
07:37:36.159 [8507] <16> startup_nb_databases: ODBC connection failed.
07:37:36.159 [8507] <16> startup_nb_databases: ErrMsg [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Unable to start specified database: unable to start database "utility_db", ErrCode -1, Sqlstate 08001
07:37:36.159 [8507] <4> startup_nb_databases: Removing /usr/openv/db/bin/util_db.ini
07:37:36.165 [8507] <4> createdb: Database [NBDB] can't be started on server [NB_srvsback01].
07:37:36.165 [8507] <4> create_nbdb_dbspaces: Creating the NetBackup database files.
07:37:36.165 [8507] <4> run_sql_script: Entering.
07:37:36.166 [8507] <4> run_sql_script: Running . /usr/openv/db/ && "/usr/openv/db/bin/dbisqlc" -q -nogui -c "CS=utf8;UID=dba;PWD=******;LINKS=shmem,tcpip{PORT=13785};ENG=NB_srvsback01;DBN=NBDB" "/usr/openv/db/scripts/create_nbdbspaces.sql" >"/usr/openv/db/scripts/create_nbdbspaces.sql.log"
07:37:36.592 [8507] <16> NBDBsystem: System call failed with status: 1024
07:37:36.592 [8507] <16> run_sql_script: . /usr/openv/db/ && "/usr/openv/db/bin/dbisqlc" -q -nogui -c "CS=utf8;UID=dba;PWD=******;LINKS=shmem,tcpip{PORT=13785};ENG=NB_srvsback01;DBN=NBDB" "/usr/openv/db/scripts/create_nbdbspaces.sql" >"/usr/openv/db/scripts/create_nbdbspaces.sql.log" failed.
07:37:36.592 [8507] <4> run_sql_script: Exiting with rc = 77
07:37:36.592 [8507] <4> createdb: Exiting with rc = 77
07:37:36.592 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: Exiting with rc = 77
Does anybody already face this at netbackup 7 end of install
Installed SQL Anywhere Version
Installation completed successfully
Database server is NB_srvsback01
Creating the NetBackup database.
Creating NetBackup data files in: /usr/openv/db/data
Creating /usr/openv/db/data
Creating NetBackup index files in: /usr/openv/db/data
Creating NetBackup transaction log file in: /usr/openv/db/data
Creating NetBackup staging directory in: /usr/openv/db/staging
Creating /usr/openv/db/staging
Starting the NetBackup database.
Database [NBDB] can't be started on server [NB_srvsback01].
Creating the NetBackup database files.
Error at line 1
Invalid user ID or password
Unable to create/upgrade the NB database. Refer to the
log file in /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/nbdb for more
information. Rerun /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp
when the problem has been resolved.
NetBackup server installation complete.
System is a t5240 with latest patches installed.
nbdb log says
07:37:19.964 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: Entering.
07:37:19.964 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: /usr/openv/db/bin/create_nbdb -force -data /usr/openv/db/data -index /usr/openv/db/data -tlog /usr/openv/db/data -staging /usr/openv/db/staging
07:37:19.967 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: SQLANY = /usr/openv/db
07:37:19.967 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: SQLANY11 = /usr/openv/db
07:37:19.967 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /usr/openv/db/lib
07:37:19.967 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: ASTMP = /usr/openv/tmp/sqlany
07:37:19.967 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: SATMP = /usr/openv/tmp/sqlany
07:37:19.971 [8507] <4> pingDBServer: Entering.
07:37:19.971 [8507] <4> pingDBServer: Running . /usr/openv/db/ && "/usr/openv/db/bin/dbping" -q -c "ENG=NB_srvsback01;LINKS=shmem,tcpip{PORT=13785}"
07:37:20.394 [8507] <4> pingDBServer: Database server [NB_srvsback01] is available.
07:37:20.394 [8507] <4> pingDBServer: Exiting. rc = 0
07:37:20.394 [8507] <4> getExistingDBFile: Entering.
07:37:20.401 [8507] <4> getExistingDBFile: Exiting with rc = 0
07:37:20.401 [8507] <4> createdb: Entering.
07:37:20.401 [8507] <4> createdb: Creating the NetBackup database.
07:37:20.401 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Entering.
07:37:20.401 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Creating NetBackup data files in: /usr/openv/db/data
07:37:20.402 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Creating /usr/openv/db/data
07:37:20.402 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Exiting with rc = 0
07:37:20.402 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Entering.
07:37:20.402 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Creating NetBackup index files in: /usr/openv/db/data
07:37:20.402 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Exiting with rc = 0
07:37:20.402 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Entering.
07:37:20.403 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Creating NetBackup transaction log file in: /usr/openv/db/data
07:37:20.403 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Exiting with rc = 0
07:37:20.403 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Entering.
07:37:20.403 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Creating NetBackup staging directory in: /usr/openv/db/staging
07:37:20.403 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Creating /usr/openv/db/staging
07:37:20.403 [8507] <4> createdbdir: Exiting with rc = 0
07:37:20.403 [8507] <4> run_nbdb_cmd: Entering.
07:37:20.404 [8507] <4> run_nbdb_cmd: Running . /usr/openv/db/ && "/usr/openv/db/bin/dbinit" -q -b -c -z UTF8 -p 4096 -t "/usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.log" "/usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.db" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
07:37:35.854 [8507] <4> run_nbdb_cmd: . /usr/openv/db/ && "/usr/openv/db/bin/dbinit" -q -b -c -z UTF8 -p 4096 -t "/usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.log" "/usr/openv/db/data/NBDB.db" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null successful.
07:37:35.854 [8507] <4> run_nbdb_cmd: Exiting with rc = 0
07:37:35.860 [8507] <16> ReadVxDBMS_ConfFile: Can't open configuration file: /usr/openv/db/data/vxdbms.conf
07:37:35.860 [8507] <4> UpdateSettinginHostConfig: Entering.
07:37:35.947 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Param = SERVER, modified = 0
07:37:35.947 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Copying = SERVER entry
07:37:35.947 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Param = CLIENT_NAME, modified = 0
07:37:35.947 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Copying = CLIENT_NAME entry
07:37:35.947 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Param = USE_VXSS, modified = 0
07:37:35.947 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Copying = USE_VXSS entry
07:37:35.948 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Param = VXSS_SERVICE_TYPE, modified = 0
07:37:35.948 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Copying = VXSS_SERVICE_TYPE entry
07:37:35.948 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Param = EMMSERVER, modified = 0
07:37:35.948 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Copying = EMMSERVER entry
07:37:35.950 [8507] <2> WriteConfigFile: Adding VXDBMS_NB_DATA
07:37:35.951 [8507] <2> UpdateLocalHostConfig: UpdateConfigFile completed <0>
07:37:35.951 [8507] <4> UpdateSettinginHostConfig: Exiting with rc = 0
07:37:35.953 [8507] <4> createdb: Starting the NetBackup database.
07:37:35.953 [8507] <4> startup_nb_databases: Starting up ASA locally on srvsback01
07:37:36.130 [8507] <4> create_util_db_file: Creating /usr/openv/db/bin/util_db.ini
07:37:36.159 [8507] <16> startup_nb_databases: ODBC connection failed.
07:37:36.159 [8507] <16> startup_nb_databases: ErrMsg [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Unable to start specified database: unable to start database "utility_db", ErrCode -1, Sqlstate 08001
07:37:36.159 [8507] <4> startup_nb_databases: Removing /usr/openv/db/bin/util_db.ini
07:37:36.165 [8507] <4> createdb: Database [NBDB] can't be started on server [NB_srvsback01].
07:37:36.165 [8507] <4> create_nbdb_dbspaces: Creating the NetBackup database files.
07:37:36.165 [8507] <4> run_sql_script: Entering.
07:37:36.166 [8507] <4> run_sql_script: Running . /usr/openv/db/ && "/usr/openv/db/bin/dbisqlc" -q -nogui -c "CS=utf8;UID=dba;PWD=******;LINKS=shmem,tcpip{PORT=13785};ENG=NB_srvsback01;DBN=NBDB" "/usr/openv/db/scripts/create_nbdbspaces.sql" >"/usr/openv/db/scripts/create_nbdbspaces.sql.log"
07:37:36.592 [8507] <16> NBDBsystem: System call failed with status: 1024
07:37:36.592 [8507] <16> run_sql_script: . /usr/openv/db/ && "/usr/openv/db/bin/dbisqlc" -q -nogui -c "CS=utf8;UID=dba;PWD=******;LINKS=shmem,tcpip{PORT=13785};ENG=NB_srvsback01;DBN=NBDB" "/usr/openv/db/scripts/create_nbdbspaces.sql" >"/usr/openv/db/scripts/create_nbdbspaces.sql.log" failed.
07:37:36.592 [8507] <4> run_sql_script: Exiting with rc = 77
07:37:36.592 [8507] <4> createdb: Exiting with rc = 77
07:37:36.592 [8507] <4> create_nbdb: Exiting with rc = 77
- if fact was more funny : a server with same db name (i am preparing a db restore) was existing on the subnet and sybase anywhere was trying to contact it instead of creating locally... solution has been to install on console port with ethernet disabled