Hello again,
The previous error was a network error and have been solved and I can now take a backup, thank you for your responses. I should now have all ports open for the IPs I am using and am trying to recover a vm. I have removed it from the vxrail and are atempting to recover it from the netbackup server. I get so far as to the "pre check" there it stops with a error "cannot connect to socket 25". I have done this test that I found on your website but dont know where to go from here. This is the debug log I get:
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bptestbpcd -verbose -client vxrailvcenter1.hs.local -connect_options 1 0
<16>bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(vxrailvcenter1.hs.local) failed: 25
<16>bptestbpcd main: cannot connect on socket
cannot connect on socket
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bptestbpcd -verbose -client vxrailvcenter1.hs.local -verbose -debug
16:28:46.850 [7344.13296] <2> bptestbpcd: VERBOSE = 0
16:28:46.850 [7344.13296] <2> read_client: dname=., offline=0, online_at=0 offline_at=0 offlineres=0 onlineres_at=0 offl
16:28:46.850 [7344.13296] <2> read_client: dname=.., offline=0, online_at=0 offline_at=0 offlineres=0 onlineres_at=0 off
16:28:46.850 [7344.13296] <2> read_client: dname=CO_0, offline=0, online_at=0 offline_at=0 offlineres=0 onlineres_at=0 o
16:28:46.865 [7344.13296] <2> read_client: dname=host_info, offline=0, online_at=0 offline_at=0 offlineres=0 onlineres_a
t=0 offlineres_at=0
16:28:46.865 [7344.13296] <2> read_client: dname=OA_0, offline=0, online_at=0 offline_at=0 offlineres=0 onlineres_at=0 o
16:28:46.865 [7344.13296] <2> check_vnetd_process_dup_permission: OpenProcessToken() failed: 5
16:28:46.881 [7344.13296] <2> vnet_check_windows_privileges: enabled SeDebugPrivilege privilege
16:29:07.910 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
16:29:27.941 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
16:29:38.939 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
16:29:59.953 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
16:30:09.984 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
16:30:31.013 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
16:30:41.028 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
16:31:02.058 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
16:31:12.073 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
16:31:33.102 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
16:31:33.102 [7344.13296] <16> connect_to_service: connect failed STATUS (18) CONNECT_FAILED status: FAILED, (42) CONNEC
T_REFUSED; system: (10060) Connection timed out.; FROM TO vxrailvcenter1.hs.local bpcd VIA pbx statu
s: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10060) Connection timed out.; FROM TO vxrailvcenter1.hs.local 10.10.29
.10 bpcd VIA vnetd
16:31:33.102 [7344.13296] <16> connect_to_service: JSON data = {"allow_large_status": {"timestamp": 1554301726, "who": "
vnet_tss_init", "line_number": 32, "comment": "allow vnet status > 255", "data": true}, "direct_connect": {"timestamp":
1554301726, "who": "connect_to_service", "line_number": 838, "comment": "connect parameters", "data": {"who": "vnet_conn
ect_to_bpcd", "host": "vxrailvcenter1.hs.local", "service": "bpcd", "override_required_interface": null, "extra_tries_on
_connect": 0, "getsock_disable_to": 0, "overide_connect_timeout": 0, "connect_options": {"server": null, "callback_kind"
: {"number": 0, "symbol": "NBCONF_CALLBACK_KIND_LEGACY", "description": "Legacy"}, "daemon_port_type": {"number": 2, "sy
mbol": "NBCONF_DAEMON_PORT_TYPE_LEGACY", "description": "Legacy"}, "reserved_port_kind": {"number": 1, "symbol": "NBCONF
_RESERVED_PORT_KIND_NONE", "description": "None"}}}}, "status": {"timestamp": 1554301893, "who": "connect_to_service", "
line_number": 985, "comment": "vnet status", "data": 18}, "connect_recs": {"timestamp": 1554301893, "who": "vnet_tss_get
", "line_number": 97, "comment": "connect rec status messages", "data": "connect failed STATUS (18) CONNECT_FAILED\n\tst
atus: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10060) Connection timed out.; FROM TO vxrailvcenter1.hs.local 10.10
.29.10 bpcd VIA pbx\n\tstatus: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10060) Connection timed out.; FROM TO vxra
ilvcenter1.hs.local bpcd VIA vnetd"}}
16:31:33.102 [7344.13296] <8> vnet_connect_to_bpcd: [vnet_connect.c:569] connect_to_service() failed 18 0x12
16:31:33.102 [7344.13296] <16> local_bpcr_connect: vnet_connect_to_bpcd(vxrailvcenter1.hs.local) failed: 18
16:31:33.102 [7344.13296] <2> local_bpcr_connect: Can't connect to client vxrailvcenter1.hs.local
16:31:33.118 [7344.13296] <2> ConnectToBPCD: bpcd_connect_and_verify(vxrailvcenter1.hs.local, vxrailvcenter1.hs.local) f
ailed: 25
16:31:33.118 [7344.13296] <16> bptestbpcd main: JSON proxy message = {"allow_large_status": {"timestamp": 1554301726, "w
ho": "vnet_tss_init", "line_number": 32, "comment": "allow vnet status > 255", "data": true}, "direct_connect": {"timest
amp": 1554301726, "who": "connect_to_service", "line_number": 838, "comment": "connect parameters", "data": {"who": "vne
t_connect_to_bpcd", "host": "vxrailvcenter1.hs.local", "service": "bpcd", "override_required_interface": null, "extra_tr
ies_on_connect": 0, "getsock_disable_to": 0, "overide_connect_timeout": 0, "connect_options": {"server": null, "callback
_kind": {"number": 0, "symbol": "NBCONF_CALLBACK_KIND_LEGACY", "description": "Legacy"}, "daemon_port_type": {"number":
2, "symbol": "NBCONF_DAEMON_PORT_TYPE_LEGACY", "description": "Legacy"}, "reserved_port_kind": {"number": 1, "symbol": "
NBCONF_RESERVED_PORT_KIND_NONE", "description": "None"}}}}, "status": {"timestamp": 1554301893, "who": "connect_to_servi
ce", "line_number": 985, "comment": "vnet status", "data": 18}, "connect_recs": {"timestamp": 1554301893, "who": "vnet_t
ss_get", "line_number": 97, "comment": "connect rec status messages", "data": "connect failed STATUS (18) CONNECT_FAILED
\n\tstatus: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10060) Connection timed out.; FROM TO vxrailvcenter1.hs.local bpcd VIA pbx\n\tstatus: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10060) Connection timed out.; FROM T
O vxrailvcenter1.hs.local bpcd VIA vnetd"}}
<16>bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(vxrailvcenter1.hs.local) failed: 25
16:31:33.118 [7344.13296] <16> bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(vxrailvcenter1.hs.local) failed: 25
<16>bptestbpcd main: cannot connect on socket
16:31:33.165 [7344.13296] <16> bptestbpcd main: cannot connect on socket
<2>bptestbpcd: cannot connect on socket
16:31:33.180 [7344.13296] <2> bptestbpcd: cannot connect on socket
<2>bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 25
16:31:33.180 [7344.13296] <2> bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 25
cannot connect on socket
Regards Anders