Forum Discussion

a04andno's avatar
Level 3
6 years ago

Netbackup 8.1.2 vcenter vcsa vxrail


I am trying to get the backups for our vxrail-cluster to work. We have vcenter 6.7 vcsa and vxrail version 4.7.100. I have added vcenter to the credentials with a password (admin in vxrail) and that part seems to work fine. The problem starts when I try to take a manual backup on one of the Windows-machines in the vxrail-cluster. i always get a status 6 and following error:

2019-apr-01 11:13:10 - Info bpbkar32 (pid=11932) INF - Backing up vCenter server vxrailvcenter2.hs.local, ESX host vxrail-08.hs.local, BIOS UUID 4223fe3b-a5de-aef1-73fe-5761ad74d348, Instance UUID 50231203-33b2-3338-d9e1-00f18e646bf5, Display Name DNS1, Hostname "ip-removed"
2019-apr-01 11:13:13 - Error bpbrm (pid=9348) from client "ip-removed": ERR - Error opening the snapshot disks using given transport mode: san Status 23

I have also tried to set up a new policy with SAN as transport mode but it fails as well. Could it be that there is a problem reaching the vxrail-nodes? Can someone please point me in the right direction here?

Regards Anders


  • Erm, here is your problem - VxRail is an HCI without FC or iSCSI access to VM snapshots in the vSAN datastore - you back it up using front-end ports that are Ethernet so depending on where your media server is, the transport you need is either NBD/NBSSL or HotAdd. Don't use the SAN transport with VxRail.

  • You have only showed us error for SAN transport mode:

    " ERR - Error opening the snapshot disks using given transport mode: san Status 23"

    For SAN transport mode, the FC datastores need to be zoned to Backup Host, as well as LUN masking (similar access as for ESXi hosts). 

    Please have a look at this TN for Best Practice regarding different transport modes:

    Port connectivity is need between Master and vCenter server and between Backup Host (if not master/media server) and vCenter server on port 443.

    For LAN (nbd) transport mode, port 902 needs to be open between Backup Host and ESXi server(s). 

    NBU for VMware manual:


  • Hello again,

    The previous error was a network error and have been solved and I can now take a backup, thank you for your responses. I should now have all ports open for the IPs I am using and am trying to recover a vm. I have removed it from the vxrail and are atempting to recover it from the netbackup server. I get so far as to the "pre check" there it stops with a error "cannot connect to socket 25". I have done this test that I found on your website but dont know where to go from here. This is the debug log I get:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bptestbpcd -verbose -client vxrailvcenter1.hs.local -connect_options 1 0
    <16>bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(vxrailvcenter1.hs.local) failed: 25
    <16>bptestbpcd main: cannot connect on socket
    cannot connect on socket

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bptestbpcd -verbose -client vxrailvcenter1.hs.local -verbose -debug
    16:28:46.850 [7344.13296] <2> bptestbpcd: VERBOSE = 0
    16:28:46.850 [7344.13296] <2> read_client: dname=., offline=0, online_at=0 offline_at=0 offlineres=0 onlineres_at=0 offl
    16:28:46.850 [7344.13296] <2> read_client: dname=.., offline=0, online_at=0 offline_at=0 offlineres=0 onlineres_at=0 off
    16:28:46.850 [7344.13296] <2> read_client: dname=CO_0, offline=0, online_at=0 offline_at=0 offlineres=0 onlineres_at=0 o
    16:28:46.865 [7344.13296] <2> read_client: dname=host_info, offline=0, online_at=0 offline_at=0 offlineres=0 onlineres_a
    t=0 offlineres_at=0
    16:28:46.865 [7344.13296] <2> read_client: dname=OA_0, offline=0, online_at=0 offline_at=0 offlineres=0 onlineres_at=0 o
    16:28:46.865 [7344.13296] <2> check_vnetd_process_dup_permission: OpenProcessToken() failed: 5
    16:28:46.881 [7344.13296] <2> vnet_check_windows_privileges: enabled SeDebugPrivilege privilege
    16:29:07.910 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
    16:29:27.941 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
    16:29:38.939 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
    16:29:59.953 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
    16:30:09.984 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
    16:30:31.013 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
    16:30:41.028 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
    16:31:02.058 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
    16:31:12.073 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
    16:31:33.102 [7344.13296] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:2085] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10060 0x274c
    16:31:33.102 [7344.13296] <16> connect_to_service: connect failed STATUS (18) CONNECT_FAILED status: FAILED, (42) CONNEC
    T_REFUSED; system: (10060) Connection timed out.; FROM TO vxrailvcenter1.hs.local bpcd VIA pbx statu
    s: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10060) Connection timed out.; FROM TO vxrailvcenter1.hs.local 10.10.29
    .10 bpcd VIA vnetd
    16:31:33.102 [7344.13296] <16> connect_to_service: JSON data = {"allow_large_status": {"timestamp": 1554301726, "who": "
    vnet_tss_init", "line_number": 32, "comment": "allow vnet status > 255", "data": true}, "direct_connect": {"timestamp":
    1554301726, "who": "connect_to_service", "line_number": 838, "comment": "connect parameters", "data": {"who": "vnet_conn
    ect_to_bpcd", "host": "vxrailvcenter1.hs.local", "service": "bpcd", "override_required_interface": null, "extra_tries_on
    _connect": 0, "getsock_disable_to": 0, "overide_connect_timeout": 0, "connect_options": {"server": null, "callback_kind"
    : {"number": 0, "symbol": "NBCONF_CALLBACK_KIND_LEGACY", "description": "Legacy"}, "daemon_port_type": {"number": 2, "sy
    mbol": "NBCONF_DAEMON_PORT_TYPE_LEGACY", "description": "Legacy"}, "reserved_port_kind": {"number": 1, "symbol": "NBCONF
    _RESERVED_PORT_KIND_NONE", "description": "None"}}}}, "status": {"timestamp": 1554301893, "who": "connect_to_service", "
    line_number": 985, "comment": "vnet status", "data": 18}, "connect_recs": {"timestamp": 1554301893, "who": "vnet_tss_get
    ", "line_number": 97, "comment": "connect rec status messages", "data": "connect failed STATUS (18) CONNECT_FAILED\n\tst
    atus: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10060) Connection timed out.; FROM TO vxrailvcenter1.hs.local 10.10
    .29.10 bpcd VIA pbx\n\tstatus: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10060) Connection timed out.; FROM TO vxra
    ilvcenter1.hs.local bpcd VIA vnetd"}}
    16:31:33.102 [7344.13296] <8> vnet_connect_to_bpcd: [vnet_connect.c:569] connect_to_service() failed 18 0x12
    16:31:33.102 [7344.13296] <16> local_bpcr_connect: vnet_connect_to_bpcd(vxrailvcenter1.hs.local) failed: 18
    16:31:33.102 [7344.13296] <2> local_bpcr_connect: Can't connect to client vxrailvcenter1.hs.local
    16:31:33.118 [7344.13296] <2> ConnectToBPCD: bpcd_connect_and_verify(vxrailvcenter1.hs.local, vxrailvcenter1.hs.local) f
    ailed: 25
    16:31:33.118 [7344.13296] <16> bptestbpcd main: JSON proxy message = {"allow_large_status": {"timestamp": 1554301726, "w
    ho": "vnet_tss_init", "line_number": 32, "comment": "allow vnet status > 255", "data": true}, "direct_connect": {"timest
    amp": 1554301726, "who": "connect_to_service", "line_number": 838, "comment": "connect parameters", "data": {"who": "vne
    t_connect_to_bpcd", "host": "vxrailvcenter1.hs.local", "service": "bpcd", "override_required_interface": null, "extra_tr
    ies_on_connect": 0, "getsock_disable_to": 0, "overide_connect_timeout": 0, "connect_options": {"server": null, "callback
    _kind": {"number": 0, "symbol": "NBCONF_CALLBACK_KIND_LEGACY", "description": "Legacy"}, "daemon_port_type": {"number":
    2, "symbol": "NBCONF_DAEMON_PORT_TYPE_LEGACY", "description": "Legacy"}, "reserved_port_kind": {"number": 1, "symbol": "
    NBCONF_RESERVED_PORT_KIND_NONE", "description": "None"}}}}, "status": {"timestamp": 1554301893, "who": "connect_to_servi
    ce", "line_number": 985, "comment": "vnet status", "data": 18}, "connect_recs": {"timestamp": 1554301893, "who": "vnet_t
    ss_get", "line_number": 97, "comment": "connect rec status messages", "data": "connect failed STATUS (18) CONNECT_FAILED
    \n\tstatus: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10060) Connection timed out.; FROM TO vxrailvcenter1.hs.local bpcd VIA pbx\n\tstatus: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10060) Connection timed out.; FROM T
    O vxrailvcenter1.hs.local bpcd VIA vnetd"}}
    <16>bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(vxrailvcenter1.hs.local) failed: 25
    16:31:33.118 [7344.13296] <16> bptestbpcd main: Function ConnectToBPCD(vxrailvcenter1.hs.local) failed: 25
    <16>bptestbpcd main: cannot connect on socket
    16:31:33.165 [7344.13296] <16> bptestbpcd main: cannot connect on socket
    <2>bptestbpcd: cannot connect on socket
    16:31:33.180 [7344.13296] <2> bptestbpcd: cannot connect on socket
    <2>bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 25
    16:31:33.180 [7344.13296] <2> bptestbpcd: EXIT status = 25
    cannot connect on socket

    Regards Anders

    • Marianne's avatar
      Level 6


      Why are you trying to connect to the vcenter? There is no NBU software installed there. So, no way that the connection will work. 

      Maybe you could share your restore steps.
      Are you maybe adding the vcenter name as 'Recovery Host'?

      NetBackup Recovery Host
      The host that performs the recovery. The default is the host that performed the backup (the backup host).

      This is normally the media server.