Forum Discussion

bc1410's avatar
Level 6
2 years ago

Netbackup Windows Disaster Recovery to new server


We are wanting to perform a Hardware Refresh for our Windows 2012R2 Dell server which we have our Netbackup environment (this server serves as both master/media). We have 2 quantum LT06 libraries in the environment.

We have bought a new dell server which is running server 2019 in which we want to use as our new netbackup windows server.

I have only performed a netbackup disaster Recovery in our Linux redhat environment but never in Windows.

I know that I need to keep the netbackup server name the same as well as the IP address.  Maybe the IP address can be different but we are keeping everything the same.

I was looking at the Netbackup 9.1 Troubleshooting guide but it jumps around a little.  Doesn't seem to give me a direct way if having just one server as master/media.  Maybe I missed it.  I will have to circle back but wanted to post something here since there is so much shared knowledge on this site.. 

I know in the Linux environment on the new server we installed Netbackup version and made sure all the same EEB/patches were installed as well.  We also made sure the same links existed as well as the filesystem structure etc. We also configured the tape libraries etc..  After everything was setup then we ran the "bprecover  -wizard' command to restore the catalog.  Dont think this will be the same for a windows environment? or is it.

So for a windows DR do I do the following ?

-perform Full level catalog on the 2012R2 netbackup  Stop netbackup services on 2012r2 server and also take it our of the domain

-have the new server windows 2019 named and ip the same as 2012R2 server

-have the local nbwebsvc and nbwebgrp in place

-installed netbackup (use same accounts etc as we did on 2012R2 server)

-install the same eeb patches as we had on the 2012r2 netbackup server

-configure the tape libraries within netbackup so we can use the Catalog backup tape

- can I use the bprecovery -wizard command here????  what steps am I missing?

or during my initial installation is there an option to perform a DR and if so is that the way to go?.  Will it add my tape libraries etc..

I think were Im a little confused is I see something about the netbackup identity that needs to be recovered. page 237..  isnt this done using the bprecover -wizard?



any help or advise would be appreciated. 


  • Hey

    Well the platform on which NBU is running is meaningless... so the same commands will work in Linux as well Windows. On Windows please install NBU in the same drive/path name as the DR NBU catalog recovery will fail in other case.

    Also please review this TN

    Good luck - I was using this many times and it did never fail me... well sometimes it did fail but it was outside NBU related things... I had to 'thank' to my wintel team to screw things up on their end.

    • bc1410's avatar
      Level 6

      Thanks quebek for replying!!  

      I did come across the document.

      The part of the document that confused me is this "Note" item - Note: If the NetBackup version is 8.1 or later, ensure that a DR Installation is selected and that the DR package file is available

      What does it mean "ensure the DR installation is selected".   Do it want me to select that this a DR Install when Im installing the software.   I figured I needed to install the Netbackup 9.1.01 first along with the EEBS that were loaded in old environment and configure Tape library etc...

      Do you agree that I should 

      -install netbackup

      -install the same eeb patches as we had on the 2012r2 netbackup server

      -configure the tape libraries within netbackup so we can use the Catalog backup tape

      - use the bprecover.exe -wizard from the command line


      • quebek's avatar

        I general you are right.
        -install netbackup
        Keep the same drive letter and path.!
        -install the same eeb patches as we had on the 2012r2 netbackup server
        -configure the tape libraries within netbackup so we can use the Catalog backup tape
        Keep the same barcode rules...
        - use the bprecover.exe -wizard from the command line

        Also in dr email you have outlined whole procedure, consult your plan with it.

  • bc1410 I would recommend using basic disk storage unit to backup the catalog and use that to recover. Also keep Tape copy handy if you encounter any issue with this. I changed the platform to 2016 a while ago & followed these steps.

    Stop All the scheduled backups, Duplications

    Take a Full Catalog Backup to local disk Storage Unit

    Monitor Catalog Full Backup and ensure it is successful. Keep the recovery files information that you need during recovery

    Completely Shut down the NetBackup 2012R2

    Perform pre-recovery tasks on new server with 2019

    Recovery Catalog on 2019 by configuring the basic storage unit & giving the same path where the catalog backup exists

    Test all Functionalities

  • Thanks quebek  & Tape_Archived  for the posts

    Quebek - So we dont have the DR email configured on this windows netbackup system with blat.  I will run a few full level catalog bkups and make sure they are successful.  I looked at the netbackup DR email we get on on RedHat netbackup environment and its pretty much like you stated in your post.  But looking at the email from our redhat environment it states we should click the button on the windows install steps to say this is a "DR"

    In the event of a catastrophic failure, use the following procedure to rebuild
    the previous NetBackup environment.

    Important Notes:
    - If new hardware is required, make sure that the devices contain drives
    capable of reading the media and that the drive controllers are capable of
    mounting the drives.
    - Keep the passphrase associated with the DR Package file handy. This passphrase is set before the catalog backup policy configuration using the
     NetBackup Administration Console or the nbseccmd command.
    - If the catalog backup is encrypted using keys from an External KMS, configure
     the External KMS in NetBackup after the installation completes and before starting
     recovery. See the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide for information on how to
     configure an external KMS.
    - If the catalog backup is encrypted using keys from the NetBackup KMS, configure
     the NetBackup KMS and restore the required keys after the installation completes
     and before starting recovery. See the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide
     for information on how to backup and restore keys from the NetBackup KMS.

            1. Install NetBackup.
                    a. The installation procedure prompts you to confirm if this is a DR scenario.
                            i. On the UNIX installer, you can see a prompt as "Are you currently performing a disaster recovery
                               of a master server? [y,n] (y)". Select "y"
                            ii. On the Windows installer click the "Disaster Recovery Master Server" button.
                    b. The installation procedure prompts you for the master server’s DR Package
    (refer to the / mentioned earlier).
                       Make sure that the master server can access the attached DR package file.
                    c. Type the passphrase associated with the DR package, when prompted.
                            i. The installer validates the DR package using the passphrase.
                            ii. In case of errors in validation, the installer aborts the operation.
                                To work around the issue, refer to the following article:
                            iii. If the external CA-signed certificates could not be backed up, configure the certificates on the host.
                                 Refer to the following article:
            2. Configure the devices necessary to read the media listed above.
            3. Inventory the media.
            4. Make sure that the master server can access the attached DR image file.
            5. Start the NetBackup Recovery Wizard from the NetBackup Administration
               Console. Or, start the wizard from a command line by entering
               bprecover -wizard.


    So should I click the DR button on the netbackup install as it mentions in the DR email above..  Not sure what it does differently?? compared to just installing the normal install of  Please advise if you know. 



    • quebek's avatar


      DR will put in the same certificates for you primary server as it used to be on old one. By doing so all your clients, media servers will not even recognize these do report to new HW ;)

      before running a this test your passphrase in order to check if you know it ;)

      nbhostidentity -testpassphrase -infile <dr_file_name>

  • Hey quebek

    We use netbackup certs and not external certs.  I will follow the " DR email "steps like you suggested previously with the DR option = yes.  

    Not sure I understand you saying that the clients wont recognize master due to new HW?.  I dont recall that happening in our red hat linux environment.  But its been a while since we did that hardware refresh.

    I did thest the passphrase on the drpkg and it was successful / valid for the DR package


